Chapter 31

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"So," you plopped a berry into your mouth and chewed slowly, savouring the delicious taste, "while I was walking around the village earlier today, I overheard these two people talking about a fairy fountain that lies around this region."

"Fairy what now?" Link raised an eyebrow as he led you through a crowded part of the village. The end of the day was starting to near, but the festival continued. Music still played, and lanterns were lit to brighten the darkening area.

"Fairy fountain," you repeated yourself. "Apparently people used to visit these fountains to offer the Great Fairy rupees, and in exchange, they would be granted extra protection... or something along those lines." You shrugged and placed the rest of your berries into your satchel, wanting to save some for later.

"That sounds cool," he chirped, glancing at you. "We should go to this fairy fountain. Do you know where it is?"

You smiled back and nodded your head. "According to the villagers, it's south from here," you said. "I think they said it was a one day trip, but I'm not quite sure."

"One day? That's pretty good. And hey, we'll be headed to Gerudo Town since it's south as well," Link noted with a soft chuckle. The boy then hummed and raised his head to look at the different colours that were being cast on the fluffy clouds in the sky. "The sun will be gone soon... do you want to start the journey tomorrow?" Link glanced down at you and half-smiled.

You looked up at the clouds and pursed your lips in thought. "I rather travel now," you spoke, with your eyes glued on the beautiful sky. "The more ground we cover the better."

Link studied you, taking in the gleam in your eyes and the movement of your lips as you spoke. "Okay, if that's what you want to do," he said, taking your hand in his. It was such a simple thing, holding your hand. He had done it several times before, but this time he felt something burn inside of him. A warm feeling bombarded his cheeks as he felt your delicate fingers wrap over his hand, causing his heart to beat quickly. "Do... Do you remember where the horses are?" He asked, losing train of thought as you looked up at him innocently.

"By the inn," you said, tilting your head when you noticed the red hue on his cheeks. You smiled shyly and raised your left hand slowly. You brushed his bangs to the side, getting a better view of his captivating blue eyes. "Why are you red?" You hummed, bringing your hand back down.

The action, though small, was enough to make Link's heart burst. He shivered at the feeling of your gentle fingers brushing over his forehead and the sound of your sweet voice speaking. He almost forgot to respond, but when he felt you squeeze his hand he came back to his senses. "No reason," he cleared his throat, putting on a sweet smile before tugging you toward the inn.

You knitted your eyebrows as a confused smile played on your lips. Deciding not to question it, you let Link tug you toward the inn. When you reached the horse pens that were built beside the large structure you slipped your hand out of his grasp and strolled toward Zephyr. Your horse responded to your presence happily, which made you giggle. "Missed you too girl," you said, snickering when Epona snorted, wanting your attention. "Yes, and you too Epona."

Link laughed softly and walked over to Epona, but he scoffed when she only paid attention to you. "I think she likes you more than me," he pointed out, observing his snorting horse.

"I guess I'm very likeable," you grinned as you moved away from the horses. You went to untie their reins from the wooden poles and when you were done you led them out the pens. You handed Link his horse's reins and then walked over to Zephyr.

Link took the reins and shook his head with a chuckle. He threw the leather strap over Epona's head and moved toward her saddlebags. After placing a few things inside the bags he closed the flap and walked to the saddle's stirrup. "Do you have everything?" He asked as he mounted Epona's back. He held onto her reins with both hands and looked down at you.

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