Closing Thoughts

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Dear Readers,

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me during the revision process. Read, commented, and voted on this novel. It will be completed by September 30th, in time for the Watty's 2020. This final draft is something that I feel very proud of, and I hope readers can take something away from Torren's story.

I started writing this book in September of 2019, hoping to create a story about magic and anxiety. What I had planned for the book morphed over time into something so much more. 


In the very first conceptual draft of this book, Mandy and Torren were high school sweethearts. 

Throughout various drafts, their relationship morphed, but their paths have remained intertwined. These two young people are linked together through friendship and love, and so they will always be. Although to be fair, I still ship Torren and Mandy. 

==> Drop a comment here if you'd like to read a deleted scene where I let Mandy and Torren hook up. It was like writing fanfiction for my own characters. If there's enough interest, maybe I'll include it in a follow on chapter :)

I Digress... 

I was very lucky to be a part of the BootCampMentors program 2020,  in which this story was helped along by some fantastic folks.

I would be at a loss not to thank @SallyMason1 

Also, my AMAZING critique partner, linalagosya. She gave me some honest and invaluable advice, especially on Mandy's character. So thank you!

I have had some wonderful interactions with my very first fans of this novel, and from my entries into contests.

I will continue to update this section! I hope to add your next comment to the collection!

Praise for The Problem With Dying
1st Place Winner Mystery/Triller in The Gem Awards
"It is a well-written story with just the right amount of details to hook the readers in. The story was interesting and I will continue reading it as well."

In-line comments that made my week.
"It feels like Torren has been cast away from everything in his past. Her (Mandy), her father, his family, you even took his clothes and his home. He is naked and unfettered and could go in any direction."

"I'm really enjoying this story. I'm usually more of a book wolf than a book worm, but I love taking this one slowly, sinking in and chewing over each little clue, nuance, cluance?"

"A magic paramedic. A nasty murderer. A kid who passes out. This is amazing. I'm invested already."

"Excellent work! You really created a lot of tension and intrigue through believable characters. I really enjoyed it!" 

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