I'm just yapping, but also, apparently Leibestraum no. 3 has a poem

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Yeah. I didn't know it until this semester, but apparently, Liszt's Leibestraum no. 3 was a poem first called "O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst (Oh love, as long as love you can)" and written by Ferdinand Freiligrath. Liszt put it to music with a soprano and piano, and turned it into the Leibestraum that I'm familiar with. Here's the sung version 

Yeah. It's really pretty. Then it's really depressing bc here are the lyrics to the poem in English (I ripped it from Wikipedia, as all good music students do):

O love, as long as love you can,
O love, as long as love you may,
The time will come, the time will come
When you will stand at the grave and mourn!

Be sure that your heart burns,
And holds and keeps love
As long as another heart beats warmly
With its love for you

And if someone bears his soul to you
Love him back as best you can
Give his every hour joy,
Let him pass none in sorrow!

And guard your words with care,
Lest harm flow from your lips!
Dear God, I meant no harm,
But the loved one recoils and mourns.

O love, love as long as you can!
O love, love as long as you may!
The time will come, the time will come,
When you will stand at the grave and mourn.

You will kneel alongside the grave
And your eyes will be sorrowful and moist,
- Never will you see the beloved again -
Only the churchyard's tall, wet grass.

You will say: Look at me from below,
I who mourn here alongside your grave!
Forgive my slights!
Dear God, I meant no harm!

Yet the beloved does not see or hear you,
He lies beyond your comfort;
The lips you kissed so often speak
Not again: I forgave you long ago!

Indeed, he did forgive you,
But tears he would freely shed,
Over you and on your unthinking word -
Quiet now! – he rests, he has passed.

O love, love as long as you can!
O love, love as long as you may!
The time will come, the time will come,
When you will stand at the grave and mourn.

Yeah. That's it. As I said, just yapping right now, but eventually I may talk about this more.  I'm just really interested in this. Never knew there was a poem until maybe a month ago when school told me about it. Just a piece of info for y'all. 

In other news...

The phone version of WP is boring without the newsfeed. Never knew how much I used that until now, and I just get on the app, start scrolling, and can find just about nothing new bc I don't see the people I'm following commenting/ voting on stuff. Just about makes me wonder what the point is for following someone if that's it (beside the announcements, ofc). I dunno. It's nice to get on the web version and see comments and new postings and things. 


I play video games far too much, and the last thing I did was Lara Croft 2013. I think it should be called "Lara Croft and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day" or "Lara Croft is an idiot-- smart, but an idiot." There's legit no way she should have survived that game for two more. This girl is WonderWoman in disguise I swear it. 

And also, how to the enemies see you from across the dang map?? Try to stealth and BOOM. A machine gun constantly to your face. 

Gameplay  was pretty fun though. I couldn't bring myself to care about any of the characters but two, Roth and Jonah. That didn't go well. One of them was axed a question and gave the wrong answer. But, I enjoyed playing it enough I'm trying to find all the collectibles and dear GOODNESS platforming sucks. I play Destiny more than any other game, and that's a first-person shooter. Lara Croft is basically the exact opposite. 

On the topic of video games, the reason I started playing Lara Croft is bc I finally broke down and played The Last of Us over the summer while all the drama over the second one was going on. Let me make a point: I don't like stealth games. They freak me out. I'm a bundle of nerves by the time I get done. 

So, while I think the first one is somewhat is somewhat overrated, I can say that about two weeks after finishing it I almost sat down to replay it because I enjoyed myself. I don't give a crap about Ellie, and most of the story is good but eh, but Joel has my heart. He should have been killed off in the first game due to back problems, because that guy carried the story. Granted, it was about him, but the stuff that wasn't still was Joel carrying it. 

DUE TO THIS, it'll be interesting if I ever play the second game, since the gamemakers decided Joel would be... absent... and Ellie would be the main character + a new girl who is the reason behind Joel's absence. I don't have an issue with the absence and honestly thought it would have happened in the first game, but the way it was done is... ugh. Could be better from what I've seen. 

Haven't played the second game though, so can't really comment on that much. 

Oh, and the Bioshock series? It's awesome. Would you kindly go check it out? The first game is the BEST. Second is also fun bc you get to play as a giant monster with a mega drill. Third game... 

The biggest issue I have with the third game is that it's marketed as a Bioshock game. I doesn't even take place in the same reality for most of the story, although gameplay and controls are the exact same as Bioshock. I just think they could have called it something else and it would be better. Still fun though. Story was a drug trip, but the game was fun. 


Just curious, but how do y'all write? When your plotting, you do everything in a linear order or as it comes? I had a brain attack a few months ago and have a general idea of a story, but found that with THIS particular thing I wanna write WAY ahead of the actual place I'm at. With a few other stories, it has to be linear though. Idk. It's weird. 


I started watching Code Geass. Again. For someone who swore it off after watching it the first time, it apparently left an impression bc I'm doing it AGAIN. Because I LIKE having by heart ripped out from the death of the most innocent character in the show. Yeah, WONDERFUL. 

Anyway, I've decided that the first half of this show (idk how many episodes there are, but I'm on six. Meaning, what I'm saying means nothing) is a high school drama disguised as a robot fight. I forgot these people are in school and do high school student things before taking over the world. 

It's fun though. I'm laughing at it this go 'round. I think my sense of humor is broken. I laughed at Death Note the other day. Someone help me. 

*is preparing for the midway point of series*

Although, I think a part of my soul was destroyed after watching Wolf's Rain. I have this thing with entertainment that, it doesn't matter the consequences of this or the medium it's done in, the dog can't die. Seriously. I cannot watch or read any scene where a dog dies. Cats too. It just isn't happening. I have to get up and leave. Even the beginning of John Wick, where those guys get payback for killing the dog. 

Don't tell anyone, but I bawled my eyes out the last two episodes in Wolf's Rain. It 's an anime about wolves who are basically super powerful and can look like people. It destroyed me completely. I wasn't okay. Due to the deaths that happened, it broke my "no dog death" rule about... four or five times. 

Again, it destroyed me completely. 

Anime, guys. Fun until it's not. 


That was a SQUIRREL--- post. Just yapping, as I said. 

I gotta go. Pianos to smash, poems to read (out loud), computers to yell at. All the fun things. 

Peace out 


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