chapter 20

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"Pass me my crown

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"Pass me my crown." Althena spoke clearly as she held onto the edge of the bed for dear life, her body full of pain as she dragged herself to her feet. In fear that she might fall, Ubbe held onto her and kept her steady and she thanked him gently. As she placed the golden crown atop her head, Althena felt strong oncemore. This is what she'd done to suppress her emotions since she was a young girl.

"Remember," Her father told her, brushing a strand of blonde hair from her face, "Royalty does not show emotion. Royalty does not cry, especially not before our enemies. You must remain strong, even at your weakest. You were chosen by God, my child. You must act like it."

As a girl, placing her crown atop her head had always reminded her of his words. It was a persona, you see, everything was. This person that she'd built, this strong and tenacious person, was all a mask that she could wear to protect the delicate girl that hid behind it. As Althena, she felt weak. But as princess, she felt tied to something greater. She was a representative for her people, chosen by God himself. And she would rain hell down upon her enemies, that much she swore.

"Althena, you should rest." Ubbe tried, although he knew that his words were no good. Alwin was already on his way and she seemed single-minded and resolute in whatever she was about to do.

"Thank you Ubbe, but I'm fine, I promise." She answered, glaring at the door. Before he could say another word, it slammed open and Alwin entered with folded arms and a snarky grin. Presumably, he thought that he'd been summoned to learn of his sister's death. However, when his gaze fell upon her, his face went pale as though he'd seen a ghost. Perhaps he had.

"Althena?" He whispered in shock, eyes wide as he stared at her. They'd all said that it would take a miracle for her to even survive, nevermind be standing before him. And yet, there she was. A miracle indeed.

"Alwin." She answered coldly, stepping closer as she clutched the wound on her stomach.

"Althena I-" He began, stepping backwards in terror as she glared at him. He'd tried to kill her once and failed. And lord he could feel her wrath now.

"You tried to kill me." She spoke clearly, her voice devoid of any emotion except pure hatred. Cold hatred. The hatred of a woman that had simply been pushed too far. And this time, Alwin knew that nothing could save him. As he stepped back again, he was pushed forwards by Hvitserk and came crashing into Althena.

"Sister please," He pleaded. "We are kin. I love you." But as she took another step towards him, he began to change his approach in a desperate attempt to spare himself. "I am your King! You cannot kill me!"

"You stole my throne." She gritted her teeth, suppressing years of built up rage. "You sold me off and left me." She grabbed his shoulder with one arm, another gripping the small dagger that Edith had gifted her on the day of her wedding. "You stabbed me and tossed me into the street to bleed." She persisted, blue eyes like shards of ice. Finally, her anger seemed to stop, her rage culminating into one small smile. "You should've made it a kill shot." And with that, she jabbed the dagger into his stomach, toppling him over onto the floor. His eyes held utter betrayal as he stared up at her, his blood covering her as she stabbed him again.

The Ragnarssons looked between her and eachother, not sure what they should do or whether they should even intervene.

"I'm not yours to command." She kicked him onto the floor, spitting at him. "Burn in Hell."

Slowly, she looked up towards the brothers. As she tried to take another step, she stumbled, but Ubbe was quick to catch her and help her to her feet again. Oncemore she thanked him, smiling gently as he helped her towards the door. The brothers couldn't help but be proud of her as Alwin lay dead on the cold stone floor. She'd succeeded where he had failed. Not even a miracle could save him.

As she made it to the door, she held onto Ubbe's arm for support. A large crowd gathered quickly as news began to spread that she was awake. Their murmurs grew in intensity when they noticed her bloody dress and dagger.

"The King is dead." She announced, looking over at Edith, who held onto Leofgifu's hand gently. "Long live Queen Edith."

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