Assassin Confessions!!

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(Y/N): Alright Tohru! Is everything clean? 

Tohru approached you and did three kisses on you! One of your right cheek, one on your left cheek, and one on the lips! 

Tohru: Yep! Everything is great! 

You then go over the entire estate to make sure nothing is dirty, or out of place. 

(Y/N): Yep! Everything is perfect! The new girls are coming by, and I want to make sure that they have a good time here! 

Tohru: You know, I'm still suspicious about that Octopus Freak! Did he really teach a bunch of assassin kids how to be better people? Or ..... was he lying?! 

(Y/N): Come on Tohru! Give them a chance! 

Tohru sighed, and then began nodding her head in agreement. 

Tohru: Oh alright! But only for you! And for Ms. Kobayashi too!! 

Bing Bong .... 

(Y/N): That's them!! 

You quickly go to open the door, and right there, you see Irina, and all the other girls!! 

(Y/N): Hello ladies! 

All of them immideately blush, and smile upon seeing you! 

Girls: H-H-Hi (Y/N). 

They all walk inside, and come with you to a table, where you all sit down. There are tea, with some chocolate chip cookies, and strawberry shortcake served. Sumire got more for her seat too. 

Sumire: Oh man! I'M IN HEAVEN!!

(Y/N): Aw! You're cute like that Sumire! Hopefully, no one else makes fun of her images. She's cute the way she is though. 

Soon all of you sit down to eat! 

(Y/N): Uh .... Ritsu? 

Ritsu: Huh? Yes (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): How can you even manage to eat your food, being an AI? 

Ritsu: Silly (Y/N)! It's in my programming. 

(Y/N): Huh? But you're an AI Program! I mean, couldn't you just sprout arms and legs and- Actually I think I'm going to shut up now, before I say something that I will regret for the rest of my life. 

Yuzuki: We don't question it anymore. To be honest, it's like something out of a Shonen Jump Manga or something. 

(Y/N): Ah, I see. Got it. 

Meg: And he just accepts it. 

Later ..... 

Rio gets close to  you and puts her arm around your shoulders. 

Rio: You know something .... you're pretty hot! You are lucky to have such ladies here! 

Rinka and Kirara: You're just doing this to make a move on him. Just be honest with yourself Rio. You're a total pervert. 

Rio blushed and put an annoyed face. 

Rio: HEY! At least I'm not like Bitch Sensei! 


Kaede: You're only able to get (Y/N) to be attracted to you, because you have really big breasts!! YOU HUSSY!! 

Kaede was fuming at the fact that her petite body just couldn't compete! 

Irina just laughed at her, almost in a very mocking manner. 

Later .... 

(Y/N): I swear all of you are so cute! 

Hinata: AH! Don't be a moron okay! What is your problem?! 

(Y/N): Nothing! Why?! Wow, she's like Cathyl and Mikoto!! A TSUNDERE!!! I mean, they call me moron and idiot a lot too! 

Yukiko: Oh don't mind Hinata! That happens a lot with her! If she's in the vicinity of a- 

(Y/N): I know Yukiko. I'm aware of Tsunderes. I have a harem. 

Girls: Really? 

Kaede: Could you then let us- 

(Y/N): Uh yeah! I was going to ask if you wanted to! 

Sumire: Sheesh you're good! 

(Y/N): I feel awkward about having to date an AI though! 

Ritsu: Oh don't worry! I think I can work around that! Or have Korosensei try something! 

(Y/N): Is there anything that octopus dude can't do? I mean seriously, he's pretty nice for a monster. 

Touka and Hinano: I know right? 

Irina: Still a giant creeper though! 

(Y/N): Eh ..... it's fine. I think he just likes to fuck around and troll others! Anyway! How about I give you all Harem initiation kisses?! 

Before any of them could even react, you went straight to their cheeks and lips and kissed them all! Though, you had to kiss the screen of Ritsu! 

And then, you were glomped down by all of them, and kissed right back! You even got to snuggle into Irina's breasts, which resulted in you getting a nosebleed! 

(Y/N): I love you girls! 

Girls: We love you too (Y/N)! 

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