Chapter 2

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Unknown POV

"She must be stopped my majesty," the warrior stated as he kneeled.

"Who must be stopped?" the king asked.

"Avianna, warrior of the Clell pack. She's killing unwarranted and recklessly," he warned.

The king stared at him in thought. The room was full of ancient werewolves, who were listening to the warrior speak. He himself was from the Clell pack.

"The Clell pack is well respected for reasons, why are you coming to me for this? I am sure you can take care of it," the King was intrigued.

"As instructed by the alpha, I am here on his behalf to ask for your help, your majesty. We cannot catch her and at the rate, she is killing..." he paused, looking nervous. "she will have killed thousands by the time we catch her."

I was surprised. This wolf must be severely out of control to be killing that much.

"Thousands?" the king's forehead wrinkled as he looked surprised.

"She's been bloodthirsty, your majesty. She lost her mate, he was killed. Ever since she has been angry, but we did not expect her to kill..." he trailed off, glancing around at everyone.

"Why did you not expect her to kill?" I spoke up as the Prince of the Cuetlachtli pack. This was a unique situation. Usually, a wolf who has lost their mate kill for a few days then get severely depressed. Usually to the point, they end up killing themselves from self-neglect. Or they go straight into depression.

"She was very laid back. Confident, strong, but laid back. She was sweet and always kind, trying to help everyone," his face saddens at the long lost memories of the warrior he once knew.

"How long has she been killing?" the king asked.

"It's been a month now..." he hesitated, "an-and she's killed over 160 people," he stuttered out.

The king gave a stern look.

"How can the pack not catch her? This is absurd!" A female voice boomed in anger.

"Quiet." The king's voice was dark in a warning. Giving his attention back to the warrior, "what is she doing that makes it hard to catch her?"

"She's constantly moving, she never stops. The only thing we can find is the trail of dead bodies she leaves behind, she made an excellent warrior, your majesty.  She hides her scent and tracks well. She was one of our wolves that would go undercover often because she is skilled," his expression held a serious demeanor.

"Father," I stood up. "I can get a team together and help them before we all get exposed here," I stated.

"Very well. The prince will assist the Clell pack, but I want to make one thing clear," he glanced from me to the warrior. "You bring her back here for lifelong imprisonment and if that's not possible, kill her."

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