♡13. Nightmare

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      ( The story/book title says it all )

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( The story/book title says it all )


Taekook were walking to an ice cream parlor. It was night time. Jungkook really craved for ice- cream and Tae couldn't say no to his husband's cute face so he agreed.

" It been such a while since we've gone walking, right?" Kookie says while linking his hands with Tae.

"I know we always travel by car" Tae said and removed kookie hand from his.

Jungkook immediately frowned but instantly smiled when Tae grabbed his waist and pulled him as close as ever. He then stuffed his hands in tae's back pocket.

They were like a cute couple goofing around in the dark.

While they were walking Jungkook saw two men looking at them.

He got scared and hugged Tae tighter.

"What happened baby?" Tae asked kookie as he rubs his lover's back soothingly.

"Nothing, it's just cold" kookie lies because he doesn't want Tae to get into a fight.

" Oh baby here have my jacket" Tae says and removes his comfy coat and covers kookie's body with it.

" It's ok but what about you?" Kook says looking worried.

"It's not that cold and by the way who needs a jacket when you have a hot husband " Tae says in a cheesy way.

"Aye " kookie says feeling flustered. He elbows his husband in the ribs.

"AAaaahh"Tae screams very loudly and drops to the ground.

Kookie laughs.

"Tae I didn't hit u that hard stop acting" kookie says as he kneels down to tae's level.
"Come on hubby get up the ground is dirty" he says as places his hand on tae's back.

"Aah kookie"

Tae whimpers.

Kookie still doesn't know what happened.

"What hurts baby?" Kookie asks as he rubs tae's back but suddenly stops when he feels a wet sensation on tae's t-shirt.

He looks at his hands only to see blood on it.

He panics and looks at tae's back.

It was bleeding. His husband was stabbed. The 2 men laughed cunningly and ran to there van.

" Have a good day" a man says as he drives off.

Kookie still can't understand what is happening.

"AAh kookie" Tae says weakly.

Kookie pulls Tae in his arms while trying to calm himself.

"Tae I'll call the ambulance" kookie says and search for his phone. He hurriedly checks all his pockets. He starts tearing up.

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