Chapter 1

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Kaya Millard woke up to the sounds of pots and pans dropping on the floor. Great, mother must be trying to cook…again. She thought to herself as she slowly, and reluctantly, sat up. Cooking was not one of her mother’s special talents; it’s a wonder how she got along without her in the past.  She slid her feet in her wolf slippers, courtesy of her best friend Juliana, wrapped her plush, zebra, blanket around her shoulders and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She found her mother putting the pots and pans back on the rack.  She smiled and let out a sigh.

                “Mom, what did we say about trying to cook?” she laughed, bending down and picking up a pot.

                “I know, but I was hungry and you were taking too long.” Her mother whined, taking the pot from Kaya and hanging it on the last hook.

                “I’ll make some eggs and bacon.” Kaya smiled, taking a frying pan down and laying it down on their electric stove. “You need to get dressed anyway, we have a birthday party to get ready for.”

                “I told y’all not to make a big deal of my birthday.” Her mom muttered as she made her way back to her bedroom. Kaya just laughed.

                Her mother’s side of the family, since they never got along with her father’s side of the family-even when her father was still alive, was coming over to celebrate her mother’s 46th birthday. It had been a while since Kaya had been around her family, and she was a bit nervous. They weren’t exactly the nicest people in the world; they liked to voice their opinions very loudly and basically chewed out anyone who didn’t agree with them. Kaya made a mental note to just keep her mouth shut.

                “Happy now?” her mother called as she stepped out of her bedroom, dressed in jeans and a nice, blue, silk dress shirt.

                “Yes I am.” Kaya laughed, turning the stove off and put the eggs and bacon on a serving plate.

                “Good, the food is done. I’m starving.” Her mother complained, taking a seat at the dining table as she put the food down. “Thank you.”

                “No problem.” She responded, holding back the urge to roll her eyes as she went back into the kitchen to clean up. Her mother was naturally bossy, which was probably why she got the job as head scientist at the government lab.  It didn’t really bother Kaya that much, she was used to it, but sometimes she wished that she could just get away from all the negativity her mother presented.

                She finished cleaning up and then went to go get ready for the big day ahead. She gathered her clothes, jeans and a black t-shirt, nothing too fancy, and went to go wash her hair. Her hair was a lot like her father’s; it was black and straight as ever. She never let it grow past her shoulders though, she hated her hair long, she always believed that it made her look like a kid.

                She finished her shower and quickly got dressed. She still had to go and pick up the birthday cake and ice cream. She hated grocery shopping but it was something she had to do, so she grabbed the keys to her Chevy truck and bid her mother goodbye, also telling her to get the house decorated, to which her mother replied “Why should I have to decorate when it’s my birthday?”

                At least going to the grocery store gave her some distance from her mother. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her mother, but she could be a bit overwhelming, especially when she was crabby. When her mother was crabby, she took it out on everyone around her. Her mother didn’t always use to be like that, she used to be happy, nicer even. But when her father died it was like something snapped in her mother. Kaya hadn’t been there when her dad died, she had run away when she was thirteen, for reasons she’s kept to herself for years. She was sixteen when her dad died, and only then did she return home. Ignoring or avoiding the questions that surrounded her return, she focused on making sure her mother was okay.

                She made it to the grocery store, her past memories still tormenting her. It would be so much easier if she could just tell her mother why she ran away thirteen years ago, but she knew that she couldn’t. Her mother would never accept who she really was.  She was so lost in thought that she accidently ran her cart into the back of someone.

                “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” she quickly apologized, looking down, her face turning red from embarrassment. She looked up to see a man looking at her, his blue eyes gazing into hers. His short, black, hair looked like it was gelled to make it look like he almost had horns.  He had hair on both sides of his face, that she couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch, but she wouldn’t dare, this guy looked like he worked out, he was much larger than she was. Altogether he looked as some kind of animal, which only made Kaya more nervous that he was going to get really pissed at her.

                “Just watch where you’re going, would you?” he said, but he didn’t turn around or remove his eyes from her. It looked like he was concentrating on something. “Do I know you?”

                “Uhm, I don’t think so.” She said, knowing she would remember a face like his.

                “You look familiar.” He mused. “What’s your name?”

                “Kaya Millard.” She answered, despite her better judgment that she should probably just get out of there, and quickly. “I’m sorry, I have to go!”

With that she left the mysterious man behind her, ignoring him when he frantically called her name out.

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