Nine ▫ Petals

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Janita jumps up when she feels something prick her finger.

She gasp seeing the rose in her hand and jumps from her bed when the bouquet peaks out from the covers.

She pulls them back seeing the note. Hesitantly she grabs it and opens it.

Friends have your back, yet briggs is still missing -➰

Her eyes widen and she reaches for her phone to call Coleman. Her words are shaky and he has trouble understanding her.

"Just come over please." She pleas.

When they come in she is still on the place on the floor.
"You okay?" He kneels beside her cupping her face and wiping away her tears.

Ian sighs as he looks over all the black roses. "I'll talk to your mom about getting an alarm." He says before leaving.

"This is fucked up." Drake says looking over the note.
"We need to find this prick. And then person that took him."

Coleman ignores what he said helping Janita up. "Get dressed okay?" She nods heading into the bathroom.

"I can stay with her." K.C says.
"Okay we'll be right back alright."
"K." Coleman and Drake goes down stairs where Ian is still talking with her mom.

"Just think about it maybe?"
"Yeah. I will." He sends her a small smile before going outside with them.
"Should we call the cops?" Drake asks.
"No. Hell no." Ian says.

"If they wanted to arrest you-"
"What the hell are they going to do besides not look for Briggs and brush off the roses and the thing with K.C?"
"Uhh, solve it." Drakes says and Ian rolls his eyes.

"They won't help Briggs, K.C maybe. But not him."
Drake couldn't begin to understand why Ian wouldn't want to call the cops for them. He even contemplated doing it on his own.

"Okay I have his location." Drake rides with Coleman and Ian drives in his own car.

Laka locks the door and goes to check on Janita. She was curious as to why they had all showed up to her house so early in the morning.

She furrows her brows seeing all the roses. "Janita what is this hunny?"
They both come out silently conjuring up a lie.

"Who gives black roses as a gift?"
"Its isn't a gift." Janita comes up with nothing good enough to convince her so she tells her it all.

From the sex trafficking to K.C and Briggs then now. Laka gets why Ian talked to her about the alarm now.

"You didn't tell me earlier why?"
"We didn't want you to freak out?"
"Why the hell would I do that?"

They only shrug and Laka sighs.
"I'm going to get dressed and help you. Alright?"

"Okay thanks mom."

The guys had looked everywhere they could think of but still couldn't find him so they had went back.

"Nothing?" Laka asks and Coleman shakes his head no.
"Put her mom on the phone let me tak to her." Coleman dials her and hands it to Laka.

She had did her best to keep the distressed mom calm. She had told her that everything would be just fine. And just as she hangs up the phone the doorbell rings.

When Ian opens it it's the police. He looks at Drake, "Did you call them?"
"No. I didn't I swear."

"Ian White and K.C Small you are under arrest."
"Wait hold on." They step in handcuffing K.C and Ian. "Why? They didn't do anything." Coleman huffs.

"They are being held for suspects on a murder charge."
K.C tries to hold back her tears but she can't whereas Ian was just pissed.
His jaw tightens and he gives Drake a look. "It wasn't me I promise."

"We'll call your mom K.C. She'll get you out." Laka hugs her briefly and she nods.
They pull K.C out rougher than they do Ian.

"That's really not necessary." Ian tells the male officer but his force is never ending as he searches her.
"Do you want a female officer K.C?"

"She only nods to him."
It was painful for Janita to have to watch her friend go through such an experience. She hated that Ian had to be her voice because they wouldn't listen to her.

She turns going into the house and trying to recollect herself and Coleman comes after her to pull her into a hug.

They put them in the same car and drive away.
"Its going to be okay alright? Isn't your mom a lawyer?"
"Yes." She says softly.

The officer driving starts swerving, "What are you doing?" The man turns around and smiles as he presses on the gas.

Drake takes out his wallet to pay for the food and as he does so a card falls out. He picks it up, eyes sliding over the writing.

You won't know there's a snake in the grass until it bites you. Or in this case, the brakes in a squad car. -➰

Drakes eyes widen and he quickly runs out to his truck picking up his phone.
"Coleman it was a set up. The cops were fake. And I think the brakes were cut."

Coleman's chest gets tight at the thought of it. He moves quickly trying to find the car but when he does it had already crashed.

Ian groans feeling the pain in his body.
"K.C.?" The car had been tumbled like a weed before landing on its side.

He turns to look at her cursing when he sees her bone protruding from her arm.
"I know it hurts but you have to crawl out okay?" She nods trying to keep her screaming in but as she moves it's overbearing.

Ian climbs out just as Coleman finds them and he reaches in to pull her out.
"Grab my hand so I can help you."

Ian's eyes flicker to the running gas tank and the close fire.
"The car will blow you need to come out sweetie."

"It hurts too much." She shakes her head.
"I know but you have to move."
"Please just go."

Coleman looks at Ian, "Uncuff me." He finds keys to uncuff him.
"I'm stuck anyway so just leave." She cries.

They don't get a chance to try again before the fire gets too close amd the car blows up.

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