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PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A STORY ABOUT A MISTRESS. Y'all can hate her because y'all got morals but BEWARE, she is messing with a married man.

Also, I was younger writing this story. 😭

Edited ☑️
Christiana Jackson

Christiana walked into her best friend Serena's house, she had rode home with her after school like every other day until her older sister Camilla picked her up.

These were Camilla working hours, she was a cosmetologist during the 9-5 hours, and began stripping by 11 pm, she worked at one of the hottest clubs in New York, between these two jobs she was making bank.

Camilla made a lot of money working at the hair salon but it wasn't enough for her to spoil both of them, so she took the job as a stripper so Christiana never had to work.

Christiana was only 16 years old, turning 17 in a couple days. She was beyond happy, today was the last day of her Junior year, and the thought of only having one year left made her the happiest girl in America. She was tired of dealing with the little boys in her school, who made it their mission to hit on her and her best friend since Sophomore year when she hit her glo.

Christiana looked 16, she acted as if she was too. She wasn't like other fast girls that had sex with anything walking but she wasn't innocent either. Having Serena as a best friend caused Christi to party during weekends, and drink a lot.

Aside from the parties, Christiana never left the house on weekdays, she was what you called pure. Not a single cuss word left her lips

"Girl are you ready for that pool party? I'm going to be lit as fuck! My brother is getting us bottles; he's bringing his friend Ice and he is fine as hell. I wish he would just give me a chance to suck him up!" Serena spoke, laughing loud.

The statement that just came out of Serena's mouth caused Christiana to scrunch her face up. She didn't quite understand how she could be so bold and say the things that left her lips.

"Girl, that was too much for my little virgin ears, and can you try to say a sentence without a cuss word?" Christiana asked, Rena's potty mouth really irked her, but she found ways to avoid it.

"Bitch, can you cuss more? Shit, and fuck your virgin ears if you seen Ice, your ass wouldn't be a virgin anymore. Ready to pop your pussy for his fine ass... Anyways! We only have a few more hours until the party. You packed your bag right?" Christiana nodded her head at Serena, she didn't feel like arguing with her anymore.

3 hours later.

Walking into the party it was packed, there were people splattered everywhere.. Initially this party was suppose to be 18 and up but Serena words "I know this guy personally" In other words, "I had sex with him for our invitation" to give her the benefit of the doubt, August could've helped.

I barely knew anyone, these weren't the people from our school.

"Serena, I'm going to get kicked out. They'll look at my face and won't think I'm a day over 15 and I'm a couple weeks away from 17" Serena ignored Christiana spotting her brother and the guy beside her causing her to leave Christi standing there.

"Hey big bro... Hey Ice" Ice gave her a simple head nod not paying attention to her, Christiana hesitantly followed her best friend over giving the two guys a small wave.

"Ay' ma how old are you?" Christiana fixed her lips to speak but was quickly cut off by her best friend.

"She's 17, turning 18 on June 13th" Serena spoke up for her, Christiana was just going to tell the truth, but I guess the truth would get her kicked out of this party.

"I could have said that myself but yeah... What she said." The guy she figured was the Ice character simply nodded his head as he looked over her body.

Christiana was short, and she didn't have the hips or butt like her older sister, it made her question how that skipped her. Her face made up for everything, she not only thought she was beautiful many people spoke highly of her beauty.

Christiana looked at Ice, she was intrigued by the man before her. His skin was medium toned which bought out the tattoos along his arms, and up his neck. He had a fully grown beard, Christiana had grown an interest in beards, mainly because Ice rocked his perfectly. His gold grillz flashed in his mouth with every word he spoke. He was rough around the edges; you could tell his occupation was a street pharmacist, and he was making good money off of it, he was groomed nice. All in all the man was fine, and none of the little boys in her school compared to the fine man.

"How old are you?" Christiana spoke up again, not wanting the conversation to end.

"23" He spoke simply, causing Christiana to give him a slight frown, she knew she had to stay away. It was only right seeing that she wasn't 18, in fact she wasn't even 17 yet.

Of course what she couldn't get, pulled her closer in. She craved the attention he didn't show her.

"Christiana, but most call me Christi" She extended her hand for him to shake, he looked from her face to her hand. Christiana felt rejected, and that wasn't something she was use to.

She placed her hand beside her again, Serena peeped her attitude but that was because she was the only one paying attention to her.

Christiana continue to hold a smile on her face. Being rejected just made her want him more, and she was on a mission.

Pulling her phone out, she text her best friend.

"Girl, I am on Mission Ice." Serena glanced down at her phone smirking texting back a quick

"Let's do it."

A/N: Please vote!

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