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I was going to kill Ice or Christiana so you all should be happy.


I sat in the waiting room waiting for them to give me an update on Cyn, she's been in surgery for 2 hours.

They told me someone made an anonymous call, telling that she was shot and left at our old address.

The police questioned me, but I was with Christiana all night.

I was so mad at myself, I was laying in bed with someone else I should have been with my wife.

Slouching in my seat, I bounced my leg as tears fell.

"I can't lose you Cyn, push through please." Resting my head against the wall.

She was my sunlight, my Sunday night,. I remember when we first met. I knew I wanted to be with her forever. She wouldn't talk to me for anything in this world, but when she gave me a chance I couldn't get her to shop talking.

There was so much passion in our relationship. Now her life was on the line. I would do anything to be the one back there on that table instead of her.

Baby mama 🤰🏽: do you need anything? I'm here for you Dave.

Pressing the power button on my phone. I didn't want to talk to her or anyone else until I knew that Cyn was going to be alright.

"Family of Cyn Brewster." Jumping up, I was alone. Her family was still on their way to New York, and Camilla was nowhere to be found.

"I'm her husband. Give me some good new doctor." I searched his eyes.

"This is one of the hardest parts about my job, but I'm sorry we couldn't save her." My heart broke into a million pieces.

"C-can I see her?" My voice cracked, as he nodded his head.

Following him to the back it felt like the longest walk I've ever experienced in my life.

Walking into the room, a blue sheet covered her body. My vision blurred.

Watching the doctor pull the blue sheets from over her face I lost it.

Her skin was pale, the face that was once filled with joy and happiness was lifeless and her pink lips were flushed.

"Baby, please wake up. I'm sorry, come back to me baby please. Don't go, don't leave me I need you baby girl." I held her lifeless body.

"I'm so sorry baby." I knew it was useless she couldn't hear anything I was saying to her.

"This is my fault, I shouldn't have left you by yourself. I should have stayed faithful to you." I cried out.

"I-I'm going to.." Removing my arms I walked out the hospital.

I'd give anything to hear a laugh, see her smile one of her jokes. The weird voices she would make when I wouldn't pay attention to her.

I wanted to see happiness in her eyes, dialing her number on my phone.

It rung until her voicemail came on

"Hello... Hey, what's up? SIKEEE fooled that ass! It's my answering machine. Call me back one more time. I might answer. Don't leave a message tho, Bye babies"

Ending the call, I rested my head against the steering.

Wish I could hold her in my arms, spend my life with her.

Driving to Christiana's apartment, I walked upstairs unlocking the door. I just wanted to get my stuff and stay alone for a while.

"Is she okay?" She asked concerned.

"Why the fuck you care?" I asked with attitude apparent in my voice.

"You didn't give a fuck about Cyn, miss me with that bullshit!" I yelled, causing her to jump.

"If I didn't care, you didn't either. You owed more loyalty to that girl than I did. You read your vows to her, not me. I know you're hurting but don't you dare come in here taking it out on me." Biting the inside of my cheek, I didn't even respond.

I didn't want to fight. Watching Christiana sigh, she grabbed my hand wobbling to the couch sitting me down.

Sitting down in my lap she wrapped her arms around me resting my head on your chest.

"Let it out Ice." Rubbing her nails with my neck, I just cried.


Day of the Funeral

Siting in the front row next to Cyn's family, I stared at the Casket that was before me.

I always told Cyn I wanted to die before her cause I couldn't see myself living without her.

The Pastor stood at the front reading the eulogy.

"We're going to have words from Dave Brewster, her husband." Standing up, I walked to the casket placing my hand down.

Eyeing her body, I forced myself to keep it together

"I miss you more and more every day, you were sent down straight for heaven. Cyn and I have been together since 10th grade, I've never met somebody in all my 23 years that could talk as much as her it was always in the morning too." Chuckling, I heard laughs.

"I would kill to have you talk my head off again, I miss the morning talks, about nothing. You changed subjects every two seconds too. That's what I loved the most about you. Your flaws and all. Everything you seemed to hate I loved. The lightning marks on your stomach, I always told you that you could weather any storm. Your forehead that you complain about but I reminded you that it was just filled with random things to talk about." Looking down at my finger nails.

"Your eyebrows, that you yelled about every morning I have to remember Dave. They're sister not twins!" I mocked her, smiling wide.

"I could never find anything about you that I didn't love. I'm going to miss you baby girl, I love you." Kissing the casket I walked back to her mother as she hugged me.

That was the hardest thing ever.

After the funeral, we head to the burial site, where they said prayer and buried the love of my life six feet under. I would never be able to love another woman the way I loved her.

I was only living for Kamryn or I would have been next to her.

I'm sorry Cyn.


Okay, I'll update Friday night since this was

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