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Sitting in the living room of Christiana's apartment, I stared at the TV.

Cyn and I still haven't talked, but I did get information from Camilla. Of course August had to help.

She told me that Cyn was getting a divorce lawyer, which I knew was going to happen, but she didn't tell me the rest of the story because Cyn was her friend.

Christiana and I are on better terms, though she doesn't talk to me much. She's always talking about she's stirring away from my negativity.

She constantly plays this song called Brand New Me by Alicia Keys, throwing mad shots.

Besides all of that she's allowing me to stay here, which is nice of her.

Hearing a knock on the door, I got up from the couch walking to the door unlocking it.

"Ice don't open that door! Go hide." She yelled, causing me to raise a brow I know she ain't have no nigga pulling up to her crib, opening the door her dad appeared.

"Dad! Hey, what's up? Dave was just leaving. Came to check on me." I guess he didn't know she had her baby daddy staying with her.

"Hello Dave, we didn't get to talk much at the gender reveal party. Join us for lunch." He suggested, causing me to smile at Christiana.

"No dad, he's fine." Christiana gave me a deadly stare.

"No, I would like to speak to the man that got my 17 year old daughter pregnant." Watching Christiana place her hand over her face she avoided my glare.

Christiana lied to me, I wouldn't have fucked her dumb ass if I knew she wasn't 18.

My dick would have been for Cyn only.

"Dad can you go to the car? I'll meet you there." He eyed us both skeptically, instead of getting into our business he nodded his head and walked away.

"YOU 17 BRUH?! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LIE?!" I shouted in her face.

"I didn't lie, Serena did." She looked down at her sneakers. I wanted to smack her in her mouth.

"You didn't deny that shit either and look the fuck up when I'm talking to you! You want to be grown so fucking bad, I lost my wife over some little ass girl!" She was now crying, I didn't give a fuck about her tears.

"I didn't think it would get this far, it was a crush and you were married. I wanted to tell you but I started to love you, and I didn't think I was going to end up pregnant. I didn't sign up for this Ice, I regret everything, meeting you, sleeping with you, loving you, honestly, I wish I never meet you! I'm another fucking statistic! I can't enjoy my life because I so called wanted to be grown so fucking bad! Every day I'm up cause of these kicking, or I'm throwing up don't get me started on heartburn. I'm 17 dealing with a child. I gave you all of me and all it took was an I love you! Man, the one time I decide to go against the grain and have sex I end up pregnant, that is karma! I have to alter my life, I can't go to college and live on campus, I can't get up and go and be a normal teenager because I wanted to be grown so fucking bad! You keep switching this back to you losing Cyn, I LOST SOMETHING TOO! IM HURTING TOO! UNLIKE YOU I REALIZED THAT I HAD TO OWN UP TO THE SHIT I DID FROM THE BEGINNING!" She shouted. It was like everything was spilling out. She didn't filter her words.

"Cyn isn't the only one that got hurt in this situation. Yes, I knew you were with her, I knew you weren't going to leave her but you wouldn't leave me alone. You constantly entered my life after I told you to leave me alone! Stop placing the blame on me Ice because you're wrong too!" Watching her wipe the tears from her eyes she walked away.



Texting my dad telling him to reschedule the lunch, laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling.

My whole situation was messed up. No matter how much I was going through Ice never acknowledged my pain.

It was just about Cyn finding out, and her leaving him.

I've given him the short version on how I felt about him walking out of my life just never how I felt about the pregnancy. Since first finding out, I've acted like everything is peaches and cream.

Placing my hands on my stomach, my life was changing. I was getting judgmental stares from everyone at school.

Everyone thought Serena would be the first to get pregnant. Boy, that switched.

"Christiana, look baby I'm sorry." He walked in the room, closing my eyes to stop anymore tears from falling.

"I don't care." Shrugging my shoulders. "This is why I didn't want you around me. All you do is make me cry." Wiping the side of my face feeling the tear go in my ear.

That was the worst part of crying and laying down.

"I'm bad for you..." he spoke lowly, the bed shifted again and now he was laying beside me.

"I was wrong, I do think about Cyn's feelings more but damn I've been dealing with her since 10th grade." He let out a sigh, placing his hands over his face.

"I don't want to hear excuses. You're in love with Cyn, and that's never going to change. I'm not going to try to change it. I don't care Ice but she's not the only person with feelings." Turning on my side, I didn't want to face him.

"Treated someone so beautiful, so ugly." His arms wrapped around me, he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

I didn't have the strength to argue, or fight him off.

Silence took over the room, neither of us wanted to move from the spot we were in right now.

We were both feeling guilty, but I'm sure he had it worst than the two of us.

He was getting double the guilt from his wife, and from hurting me.

I'm sure no one would want to be in his spot right now.

"Go to sleep baby girl, you need rest." Ice whispered in my ear, making me nod my head and close my eyes."


Texting Ice's phone for the 30th time tonight, I was at the bar drinking. I was on my Jojo Marvins Room

To Dumbass: that bitch ain't got shit on me but a pacifier and stroller. 😂

To dumbass: I was ACTUALLY talking about her being a little ass girl, then I remember the baby is having a baby. Brenda's got a baby head ass 💀


To Dumbass: Tell that bitch, I gave you to her, or I would have had your child calling me mommy.

To Dumbass: ask her how my pussy taste. 9 years of Cyn's cum on those lips 😂😂😂😂

To Dumbass: wow, I'm weak at myself.

Paying the bartender, I got up from the stool and stumbled out to my car.

Getting inside, I drove home the most concentrated state I've ever been in my life.

Reaching the house I use to share with my soon to be ex husband, I walked inside hearing the click of a gun.

"Ice took what was mine, so I'm taking what's his. Say goodbye."

The lights turned on

"Ray?" I slurred, that's when two shots went off and my blood coated the white walls.

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