Chapter Seven

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I wake up in a very comfortable bed. The comfort is so nice that I find myself smiling and stretching my fingers into the air. When I bring my fingers back to me, I freak out and remember everything. I slide up the bed fearfully, keeping the covers close to my chest as I look around. My eyes instantly find a girl dressed in a black pantsuit that is stood on a chair, dusting the low ceiling. She hums to herself as she tries to reach some spots that look dusty.

This room is not the King's room. It's smaller, more private, more intimidate. There is a small, round table in the middle set with two plates and cutlery with a jug of water. In the corner there is a fluffy, red chair that sits underneath an oval window. The carpet is bright red and looks just as soft as the others. I glance underneath the covers, I'm still wearing the clothing I arrived in, tight jeans with a loose white shirt. I bring a finger to my lip as I remember those sensations, those terrifying and orgasmic sensations. I should probably feel shy but I can't. There was no other way to react to it than scream. If that is what happens every time a human gets fed on then nothing makes sense, because that was the best feeling in the world.

"Oh, you're awake," the girl says, setting the duster down and stepping from the chair. I start to remove the covers. "Please don't stand up," she says in a panic. "The King has ordered me to make sure that you stay in bed and I'm supposed to shout the guards for help if you don't comply."

I surrender back to the bed with a sigh. "Where am I?"

"This is your bedroom." She smiles and throws her hands in the air, turning around. "I spent hours cleaning it while you were asleep."

"Thank you?" I say, unsure if I should be thanking her. "Why do I have to stay in bed?"

She rubs her fingers together awkwardly. "I take it that was your first time being fed on?"

I nod.

"The fainting happens, often. They're draining us of our energy so it's kind of a given that it affects us like that. You're lucky though. At least he carried you and placed you in a bed. My owner just left me on the floor until I woke up. I've gotten better at it now; I made a pact with him to only do it at night time, so I usually just fall asleep straight after."

"You made a pact with your owner?" I say. "And he just agreed to that?"

"They're not so bad here," she says. "They don't want to kill us as quickly as the ones out there. I think they become. . . attached to us. If he feeds on me too much then he leaves it weeks until he does it again, so I can regenerate."

"That's actually really kind," I say, knowing how ridiculous it sounds. "What's your name?"

"Wendy. You?"


"You're old to still be alive," she says, almost slapping herself afterwards. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, it's a good thing, obviously."

I laugh, eyeing the water on the table. "Can you bring me that?"

"Sure. I'm also supposed to get you anything you want."

She brings the jug over with a glass and pours it into her hand before passing it to me and placing the jug on the nightstand beside me. "You're so lucky to get your own room. Most of the girls that are fed on by the King just share one. He's kind to us, kinder than previous creatures at the nanneries."

"Why do you think that is?" I question, mainly because it's bugging the hell out of me.

She shrugs. "Maybe he feels responsible because it was his fault this all happened. Don't get me wrong, he's still as emotionless as them and I've seen him act out his frustrations on slaves before, but. . . I've never seen him kill." She stares into the air as she thinks about that. "He isn't what I thought he'd be like. The way the creatures were terrified of him, I thought he'd be a monster."

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