Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Gosh you are so pretty," Marina mumbles, crouching down and touching my face. "I am so sorry if I'm touching you too much, it's hard to stop." She glances over at Cain. "Her soul is unlike anything I've ever felt."

Cain remains at the other side of the room with his arms folded. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure," Marina says, finally standing and distancing herself. "Were you a twin in your mother's womb? The only one that survived?"

"I don't think so," I say. "If I were, she never told me."

"You think the twin soul joined with hers?" Cain asks her.

Marina nods. "You said she's changing you?"

"I am sleeping," Cain says. "I share her dreams. I have. . . desires."

"Incredible," Marina mutters. "Well, being a twin is one theory. The other, is that she's just a fluke. A once in a millennia occurrence. In fact, I'd go as far to say a once occurrence. There might not be an explanation for it, it just is."

"There has to be an explanation," Cain says, walking closer to observe me. "Completed souls are always strong but they do not change me."

"I just listened to your law announcement, Cain, I can tell that she's changing you," Marina says, eyeing him with concern. "I have searched thousands of planets across this universe and I have never felt anything like that."

"Marina is a planet hunter," Cain says, finally giving me some kind of explanation into what the hell is happening. "She doesn't live on Earth."

"I drop by every month or so," Marina tells me. "To check in. I scout for the next planets for us to inhabit. I feed discreetly. I found Earth around a century ago in your time. It was the closest to the last and I told Cain to come here immediately because of how pure the souls were but he didn't listen." She rolls her eyes.

"If I had listened, Aurora wouldn't have been born," Cain says.

Marina considers that. "True. I'm glad I wasn't there for that solar flare, that sounded immensely hot." She chuckles to herself.

"You're his sister?" I say, flicking my eyes between them. "You were born to the same. . . something?"

"No," they both say together.

"Maybe sister isn't the right word," Marina says.

"It's the right word," Cain tells her. "The translation is accurate. We were created by the same being."

"Not born," Marina says, looking back to me. "Or were we born?"

"We were not born."

Marina laughs. By their reactions I don't think this is a subject that they discuss. That they've ever discussed. "We were created but could not procreate. Trying to explain it to a human with a human language is very difficult. The others of our species are not our siblings, different beings created them, the same beings but different. I think that's the translation. Does that make sense?"

I nod my head, mainly to shut her up. "You grew up together on your original planet?"

"Yes," they say.

"That would have been so much easier to say," Marina says, taking a light breath of amusement. "We don't remember our original planet. I've tried searching and searching for it but. . . it's as though it was never there."

"We only remember each other," Cain says.

"I came to the conclusion that something destroyed it," she says sadly. "Something that wiped our memories of our lives before. And instead of dying we just. . . flew. I haven't encountered any beings like us yet. We do not know what created us, just that we are a very powerful species."

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