Chapter Forty-Five

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"Aurora, you've been sat at this window for hours. Come and eat something."

I ignore Christian, keeping my eyes on the calm view of the blue sky. Every time I see the outline of wings within the clouds then I get hopeful that it's him, but it never is. It's been three days since Cain left and we haven't heard anything from him. The guards weren't allowed to follow him, he ordered all of them to remain on the roof except for Blake. None of us know what's going on out there and the uncertainty is worse.

"Please," Christian says. "This is going to make you ill. The humans are having another party tonight, why don't you come?"

I bite on my nail, staring at a figure in the distance that is walking the path on foot. The figure becomes clearer and I recognize him as one of the guards.

"Why are you even worried?" Bella calls from across the room. I didn't hear her enter the lounge and I have no idea how long she's been watching me for. "It's not like he can even die. He'll come back. He always comes back. It's an annoying habit of his."

"You can't help him from a window," Christian says gently, placing his hand against my arm. "He'd want you to eat."

I slide my hand into his and he helps me up from the window ledge. I look over my shoulder, stealing one last look at the window before Christian guides me out of the room.

"When was the last time you slept?" he says.

"I don't remember."

I hear shouting from the kitchen and I pause in the hallway to see what's going on. Blake is standing at the door to the garden, a crowd of girls form a defiant stance around him.

"I will say this for the last time," Blake yells. "No one is allowed outside until the threat is gone. Humans are being abducted; this is for your own safety. So go back inside and shut up!"

I smile, he's handling it well.

"There are thousands of guards watching over us, why can't we just sit on the deck?" a girl asks desperately.

"Because I said you can't. And if any of you try then you'll be dragged back inside, is that clear?"

I follow Christian into the small dining room. There's a group here eating from a cold buffet along the table. I take a seat beside Jackson and Natalie, ignoring the others' stares.

"I don't understand why it's taking so long to find and capture one rogue creature," a slave says. "They're all looking for her."

"At least our owners are occupied," a girl says. "He hasn't even come back inside yet."

"Do you think the King can handle this? He looked worried when he left."

I pick up a cucumber stick and I bite into it, they continue to discuss Cain's departure and I can't handle it anymore. I leave the room before Christian can stop me. I make it to the staircase before I hear footsteps following me. I'm not in the mood for conversation and I almost tell Christian to piss off but the sweet voice from behind me makes me turn around.

"Aurora," Jackson says. "Are you okay?"

I fake a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Go back and eat your lunch, I'll come see you later."

He runs towards me and wraps his arms around my stomach. I'm so stunned that it takes me a second until I fold my hands into his back. Jackson hardly ever hugs me, it's usually me that forces him into one.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too."

He's trying to make me feel better and it's adorable. I push him away slightly and he walks back to the dining room. I pause against the staircase as Blake enters through the kitchen doorway. Our eyes meet and I wait for him to reach me.

The Bell of Freedom (King and human romance)✔Where stories live. Discover now