Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I don't see the point to this," Jackson says, dropping the large book onto the table. "Why should I care about planting seeds and maintaining vegetables? It all gets delivered here."

"Because you might be transferred to a farming centre someday," I say. "You'll be responsible for making sure that humans have food and for the upkeep of many animals."

"And their slaughter," he whispers. "Christian said that the slaves here are rarely ever transferred. Once here, they die here."

"That isn't going to happen to you," I say.

"You can't promise that if you're dead too."

I fold my arms, smiling at him. "You're going to live a long life, Jackson."

"A long life is averaged at seventeen," he says.

"Stop doing that," I mutter. "Cain will protect you. He's not going to like my soul's reaction if he doesn't."

Jackson grins. "I miss Angelica. I never thought I'd say that."

"Me too," I say. "I hope they're all alright."

The door bursts open, making both of us jump. Christian pants breathlessly, his face leaking with sweat as he tries to calm himself to speak.

"It's happening," he says.

"It's happening now?" I say.

Christian nods. I rise from the chair, grabbing my jacket from the bed quickly. Jackson stares between us in confusion.

"Stay here," I say. "I'll be back soon."

"Where are you going?"

"Keep reading," I say as I move towards the door. "I'll be quizzing you on corn later so don't skip it."


I close the door and lock it. Christian runs down the staircase and I run after him. We hurriedly make our way through the palace, climbing a steeper staircase around a bend.

"Where are we going?" I say.

"To the tower," Christian shouts.

There are no guards anywhere. I imagine most of them are outside. Witnessing this just like we will be. The tower is at the top of a hundred steps. I cling to the railing tightly as we become higher. The room at the top is an oval shape with solid walls, there is a circular seat that joins together. Christian puts his knees onto the seat and cracks open a large window. I sit up beside him. The first thing I see is a set of enormous wings grazing past us, it makes me flinch and I almost fall backwards. Christian puts his hand around my arm, steadying me back to the seat.

"Thanks," I say.

I look down at the ground, seeing so many creatures that it makes me nervous. They form a crowd at the palace entrance. There are hundreds of them. At the front is the council, along with Axel who is wandering his eyes around the windows of the palace. Many windows are open as the other humans are listening too.

"Do you see that long line of creatures at the back?" Christian says, pointing to the blurry line of figures that are remaining still. I nod. "They are the law enforcers. Whenever the King poses a new law, they come to witness it. They are neutral. They don't react or intervene in any issues. Their only purpose is to hear the laws and spread them to the corners of the world." He looks at me and grins. "They've been busy since you arrived here."

I grin back, turning to the crowd. "So the ones gathered down there can react?"

Christian nods. "They feel braver in crowds. He usually ignores their protests though. Look up to the sky." He points upwards.

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