Chapter Twenty

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I look across the palace wall, trying to find another way that I could slip inside without them seeing me. But it's too late. "What are they doing here?" I whisper.

"An investigation disguised as official business," Cain says. "You know the drill."

I sigh. "Stay behind you?"

I keep a little further behind him, coming to a slow stop at the top of the path. The gathered group of visitors are large, I count twelve of them, they are the council members from the dinner party. The guards are lined up in front of the entrance, their backs straight and heads high, not allowing the council to enter without Cain's permission.

"Twice in one month," Cain says. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Axel?"

Axel steps out of the group, he's the only one that is brave enough. "I thought it best to bring witnesses to speak with you."

Cain grins. "Am I that unpredictable these days?"

"It just seems a little odd," Axel says, moving his eyes to look directly at me. That makes Cain tense and he moves over to block his view. "There is talk among our species of a pure soul that lived as a nanny at Raven's centre. The girl was sought by everyone that touched her. Then, mysteriously, she disappeared."

"I heard she committed suicide," Cain says.

"Yet there was no body to recover," Axel says. "No burial site. Then shortly after the girl's 'death' Raven disappeared too. And now Arabella. It seems those connected to that nannery, and that girl, have vanished."

"Are you accusing me of something?" Cain says.

"Just allow me to touch her to put our doubts at rest and we will leave in peace." Axel doesn't even blink while giving his request, he keeps his body straight, awaiting Cain's reaction.

"Why would I allow that? The human is mine."

"Where did you bid for her?" Axel asks.

"I didn't," Cain says. "She was brought here as a stray. She was found hiding out in the mountains."

"Impossible," Axel mutters.

"Are you implying that I am lying?" Cain growls lowly.

"So if we brought some of the bidders here they wouldn't recognize her?" Axel says. "Because I think they would."

"Bring them here," Cain says. "Test it."

I glare up at him but he keeps his eyes on Axel. They'd all recognize me, creatures have excellent memories. Cain must know that.

"Forgive me," Axel says. "But I have just told you that Arabella is missing and you do not seem that concerned."

"Arabella gets bored easily," Cain says. "She and Raven have probably absconded somewhere together. They probably kidnapped that pure soul and planned it."

"She wouldn't break your laws," Axel mutters. "She enforced them. She spent eight years at that nannery, that doesn't sound like boredom to me."

Axel has an answer for everything and it's making Cain angrier. He's been smart so far but one wrong response could change all of that. He flicks his hand at the guards along the wall and they start to move forwards, herding the group further to the left.

"Do not show up at my home unannounced again," Cain orders.

"We will return with the bidders," Axel shouts over the several bodies that are cornering him away from the path. "If you are killing your own species to protect a human then it will be the last thing you ever do as King!"

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