Chapter Forty-Four

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I spent four days trying to convince Cain that it wasn't Thea. Even Blake spent four days trying to persuade him that it wasn't Thea. Cain didn't listen. We weren't completely sure it wasn't but we wanted him to be open to other possibilities. He refused. And so today I sit in the chair in the throne room, watching the attractive world leader being dragged inside by four enormous guards.

Only the council are allowed witnesses, so Thea is forced to defend herself alone. Her genuine look of confusion is enough to plant doubts but Cain is unwavering. He stares at her blankly, not showing her any sign of remorse.

"You have one minute to convince me not to kill you," Cain says, resting the blade on the top of his chair.

"For what?" she demands. "I have broken no laws."

"If that is how you wish to spend your minute then so be it."

"It wasn't me," she hisses. "I did not kill three of the humans at your outing. I did not send an assassin to murder anyone. I was in Brazil along with all of my acquaintances, there are thousands of our kind to testify that. Ask any of my witnesses."

"Yes, an army of them did follow you here," Cain mumbles. "They're waiting outside right now; they were very desperate to testify that they saw you in Brazil."

"You think they're lying?" she says. "I was in Brazil. I didn't know about the intrusion until yesterday. I heard a Ferris wheel was tipped and endangered human lives, I can assure you that I nor any of my group have that kind of strength. Axel was there, he saw me. Ask him."


He turns and looks at me. Without solid evidence then he can't kill her, he can't punish her when there is nothing to punish her for. She's a creature, I don't care what he decides to do with her, I just need him to realize that she isn't the only danger out there.

"You have already asked him," Thea says. "Did he back me up?"

"Yes," Cain says. "He did."

"So what is the meaning of this?" she says. "I have enforced all of your new laws in my region, even though they are starving because of it. The humans are treated well, none are kept in cages or locked in basements. Cain." She calls his name very delicately, as though she is greeting an old friend. Cain looks up and stares at her softly. "We have known each other lifetimes. You have known her for merely months. You know me. I have plotted against others but I have always supported your rule. I will find this traitor and I will bring her before you."

Cain toys with the blade in his hand, his eyes narrowing in frustration. I imagine he is feeling the same confliction that he had before he killed Arabella. Even though I believe Thea, I still don't trust her. Cain killed her companion; she's being nice to stay alive.

It's working.

"I know you will," he says, flicking his hand at the guards at the door.

The door opens and a line of creatures come inside. The council and other world leaders space themselves around the throne room. Blake walks closer to me, positioning himself at my side.

"You all have very powerful connections around the world," Cain says as the confused leaders remain silent. Axel widens his eyes when he spots Thea, he's surprised she's still alive. They all are. "I don't just want the name of this traitor. I want her in front of me, on this floor, by the end of the week. You have until then to find her, if you fail then I will take the lives of all of your humans before you have the chance to consume them. You all know how excruciating it is to lose a soul that way, it is the closest thing to pain you will ever feel. I don't want to have to do it so do not force me to."

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