1. Still don't know my name

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The term had just begun and everyone was heading towards the assembly hall. Here in Royal Bliss College, almost every occasion had a hall. Every term begun with an assembly, that was where the teachers and principal addressed them and notified them about any recent rules they had made. Fiona was extremely happy because after an agonizing long time, she was finally in ss3.

To her, it had seemed like ages and she couldn't wait to graduate out of secondary school. It's almost like she had her life plans arranged in front of her. Her best friend Amaka linked her arms in Fiona's as they moved casually to the hall.

"How was your holiday?" Amanda asked eager to know how her best friends holiday was.

Fiona shrugged. "It was normal, we didn't travel any where this time because Tomi and Tobi had some things to deal with here in Nigeria"

Fiona was the last born and came from a wealthy family. Her father had a company that blossomed greatly, but despite the wealth, she was still modest and kind.

"How was yours?" Fiona asked. They had reached the hall and made their way to the area where ss3s sat.

"It was fun actually. My cousins came over and..." She dragged on. Amaka was light skinned and Fiona didn't miss the little shade of red that stained her best friends cheeks.

"And...?" Fiona dragged on with a teasing smirk on her lips.

"I and Bassey kissed" Amaka announced earning a squeal from her best friend. Amaka had been crushing on Bassey ever since he stepped his foot into RBC during their ss1.

"Shhh" Amaka placed her fingers on Fiona's lips. "Why are you squealing like that, you're making people notice us" she hissed.

"I'm just happy for you. How did it even happen?" Fiona asked completely intrigued. They found two seats located at the back and sat down.

"I don't even know, it just happened." Amaka stated.

Fiona frowned as her mind drifted off to a certain guy who she's had this huge crush on since jss1. He just never noticed her even after earning the position of head girl. Amaka noticed it and her brows creased with worry.

"What's wrong fi?" Amaka asked. Fiona offered a small smile and shook her.

"It's nothing. So did he ask you out? You've liked that boy for ages." Fiona stated. Amaka shrugged.

"I really don't think I want any relationship with any guy sha" Fiona understood. Amaka had lost a relative who committed suicide due to a brutal heartbreak. She knew Amaka was scared and didn't want the same thing to happen to her. Truth be said, some boys could actually be really heartless. The said relative was in a relationship with some guy who eventually knocked her and forced her to abort the pregnancy. He was even a married man and her relative never knew about it.

The man even beat her up one time when she promised to tell his wife about it. She eventually was found dead after she'd written a letter to her family. She cursed the man so much. Fiona shook her head to rid off the story, she promised her self that even if she ever suffered a brutal heartbreak, she wasn't ever going to take her life because of a stupid man.

Fiona placed a pat on her shoulder. "Take your time" she said and Amaka smiled in gratitude. They had both attended the same primary school and had been beat of friends since primary school days. Soon the principal, a very beautiful woman who was biracial stood in front of the multitude of seven hundred students as she cleared her throat.

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