20. Call

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School wasn't the same after that shocking bomb had been dropped on them. Fiona's seat was empty and Amaka felt it deep. Was this how it was going to be in a few weeks when her best friend had gone?. She shook her head trying to ward off negative thoughts. It still felt unreal, someone that was healthy just yesterday, laughing and smiling like she had no problem at all was lying in the hospital looking as frail and weak as ever.

Tears pooled in Amaka's eyes as she thought of her best friend. Everything the economics teacher was saying fell on deaf distant ears. She threw her head back as she blinked back the tears. She wondered how Fiona had to suffer so much silently. How calm she always acted. The smiles she always wore on her face, who knew what was behind that smile.

An agonizing thirty minutes later the economics teacher walked out of the class. Grace stood up immediately and walked over to Amaka who had her head bent on the desk. She tapped the table inorder to get her friends attention. Amaka lifted her head slowly and placed a warm smile on her lips.

"Hey Grace" she said as she stretched her neck. Grace felt like there was something off about her today. She didn't look or rather act her usual self. Her eyes moved to Fiona's seat before speaking.

"Hey Amaka. What's up?" She asked as she sat on Fiona's seat. Her forehead was creased in worry as she assessed Amaka with her eyes.

"Pretty sure you must have heard what happened to Fiona" Amaka said softly and a humourless laugh followed after it.

"Yes I did. But I'd rather hear it from you though. These people are telling me morbid things I refuse to believe." she said.

Amaka sighed and licked her dry lips. Harmattan was approaching. "Kelechi caused it all. He hurt her real bad. Now she's in the hospital and I have no idea what is wrong with her." Amaka said. She knew she had lied, but majority of it was the truth. Kelechi had hurt her brutally and it wasn't fair at all. She clenched her fists and she imagined it colliding with Kelechi's face.

"As for that" she sighed sadly. "I saw the video. Someone posted it on the school's gossip site." Grace said.

"I'm not surprised" Amaka said coldly.

"It feels weird not having her around though" Grace said as her eyes roamed the class.

Amaka nodded. "The feeling is mutual."

Adam on the other hand couldn't keep the anger that was radiating off him. He watched as Kelechi smiled and cuddled with Dumebi with no guilt whatsoever. The only thing keeping him from knocking Kelechi out cold was Farouk.

"You can't risk getting expelled, not now." Farouk said as he looked at Kelechi with some kind of disapproval. He wasn't close to Fiona, but he knew how much the girl loved him. He never knew his best friend could be that cruel and to think that what happened didn't bother him at all marveled him.

"Fiona's worth that!" Adam said angrily.

"Fiona wouldn't want that." Farouk countered. Adam looked at him and sighed. He ran his hands through his hair feeling completely exhausted. School felt weird, he didn't see her smiling face.

"I'm no longer a boarding student anymore." Adam said and it took Farouk by surprise.

With wide eyes he asked. "What? Why?. Don't tell me it's because of Kelechi" he scoffed as he folded his arms on his chest.

Adam faced him. "It's not him. I just don't want to be a boarding student anymore." He said.

Farouk frowned. "Adam, is there something you're not telling me?" He asked.

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