12. Hey Boy

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Thanks  Lwky_ess for all your constant votes and comments. I really really appreciate it.

mirabelominijei an update, just like you asked.

Test week had arrived. Fiona and Amaka had been doing serious revisions because they knew how tough RBC teachers tests were. They set questions as if they were University students. Unlike other schools who used and notebook or often tore sheets of papers, theirs were printed on an A1 sheet of paper. If anyone were just coming into the school, they'd think they were writing their termly exams.

Fiona visited the school clinic Alot of times and nurse Rose often administered a lot of drugs and injections to her. She was loosing weight and also gaining it immediately. She ate her chocolates almost every three hours and sometimes turned them into a steaming cup of chocolate. She tried covering it up by eating Alot and somehow Amaka had noticed but Fiona brushed it off by saying she was trying to get thick.

She'd recently bought a mini fan because she perspirated quite more often than she use to and she knew what all this signs showed. Students littered the hallway as the tried to cram everything they could. The school had gotten a replacement immediately Mr kunle left and thankfully it was a woman who was very good in mathematics. The time keeper ran the bell signalling that it was time for the tests to begin. Mrs Adah walked into their classroom and everyone ran Helter skelter as they shoved the books into their bags and dropped it in front of the classroom.

"Now, you already know my rules. If you know you have things that will implicate you, kindly take it away." She said sternly as her eyes scanned each and everyone of them seated on their desks.

"Mr Okorie will be invigilating you while I share the test scripts for the rest of the classes" Mrs Adah said before sharing their test scripts. Once she was through, she gave the class one last look and walked out. Mr Okorie an Igbo man who taught basic technology for the junior class walked into the classroom with his large glasses hanging limply on his nose. He was black in complexion and knew how to flog a child with a single word from his mouth. He was one of the teachers RBC students knew never to mess with. Even though flogging was prohibited in their school, he was capable of giving punishments that would make you wish he flogged you.

"They can't even greet because of ordinary test" he said with a sneer. The whole class greeted him and he didn't answer. Someone hissed at the back of the class and that got his attention.

"Stop!" He ordered everyone and not a single soul dare disobey.  "Who hissed?" He asked as his eyes roamed the class. No one answered, everyone kept silent.

"I said who hissed?" He asked again calmy but no one answered.

"If you don't want to produce the person who hissed, kindly submit your test scripts now" he said angrily. Th students wondered why such a small action made him riled up. "Are you people deaf?!" He roared.

"Sir it was me" a girl said as she stood up. "I hissed sir and I'm really sorry" she said as she bowed her head a small smile playing on her lips. Karen was one of the notorious girls in SS3, she could disobey a teacher and not get punished because her father often gave money to teachers who shamelessly collected. As if their salaries weren't enough.

Mr Okorie knew how powerful Karen's father was and asked her to sit down. "Thank you Mr Okorie" she said sweetly and sat down. Mr Okorie hissed as be patrolled the class looking for a scape goat. Finally they had concluded their English tests and Mr Okorie had gone to submit it to Mrs Adah.

"God, I wrote so much I feel like I don't have fingers anymore" Amaka groaned as she placed her head on the desk.

"As if it's WAEC" another person said and Fiona just laughed.

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