4. Dumebi

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^^previous cover. Please share my story out to the world😭😭❤️🤞


Two weeks had passed and their tutorials continued. He still acted rudely to her but Fiona absorbed everything, she didn't miss the tinlge she got when his fingers accidentally touched hers. She squealed internally in delight. Sometimes she found her self admiring him, how his lips moved when he spoke, she noticed he had few freckles scattered on his nose. She found it really cute.

He had pointed nose and almond eyes, his lashes weren't long but they were thick and she envied him. How could one look so good?, she wondered. He was definitely a beauty no wonder girls fawned over him. She included.

She watched from afar as he hugged the new girl whom she'd learnt her name. Dumebi. She felt her stomach churn in jealousy, he didn't even smile at her and here he was hugging the new girl. Maybe he knew her on a personal level or she was a relative. She tried to assure herself. But she couldn't ignore the pain she felt each time she saw them together, she somehow wished she was the one.

"Hey" she heard someone say. Amaka wasn't around, she'd gone home for a family emergency and here she was alone. She turned towards the voice and found Adam towering above her. She smiled and shifted a little giving him space to sit on the slab.

"Hey Adam, what's up?" She asked a small smile etched in her lips.

"Nothing, where's Amaka?" He asked.

"Oh she had a family emergency, it's nothing serious anyways" she answered with a shrug. Adam smiled.

"Lacking friends huh?" David wiggled his brows. Fiona laughed

"I'm not actually. You know I'm not an extreme extrovert. I just have few acquaintances here and there and close friends too but no one beats Amaka." she said. School had closed and today was Tuesday, Fiona wasn't really happy because she was eagerly waiting for their tutorial days to arrive, that was the only time she could be close to him.

"Hmmmm" Adam nodded as if contemplating on the next thing he wanted to say.

"So you know the socials are coming soon" Adam said. Fiona sighed, she didn't know if she'll have the strength to organise anything.

"Yeah actually. I didn't forget" she said. The conversation became awkward. Even though the always worked together, they weren't too close and neither Fiona nor Adam knew what they would tall about.

"You know Saturdays next week yeah? And it's our last opportunity to organise the socials" Adam said after a minute of silence had passed.

Fiona turned her head and focused her gaze on him. "The social prefects can deal with it. What ever decision the come up with, both of us would see through it. If it suits our tastes and that of the students as well, then we'll go ahead. But if it doesn't, then we will most definitely make changes" Fiona said. It was time for their lunch and students were already filling into the dining hall. In RBC, all the buildings were connected in a way that made walking easy for them.

Adam nodded. "Good idea. I'll uh see you later?" He stood up and dusted his royal blue trousers.

Fiona smiled and Adam felt his heart skip a beat. "Yes sure. Have a nice day Adam"

He didn't want to admit it, but he definitely loved the way she said his name. It sounded, nice?. He shook his head, what was he thinking?.

Fiona on the other hand didn't have any appetite at all. She cleared her royal blue plaid skirt and started walking towards the hostel. Soon she felt something dripping down her nose, she thought it was catarrh but when she touched it, she gasped. She quickly made a detour and headed straight to the school's clinic. The school clinic almost looked like a hospital. They had a store where they kept all the drugs, a professional pharmacist and about three rooms which were able to contain at least for people who were I'll.

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