22. Wonderful

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"I strongly believe that Mrs Adah is very wicked!" Amaka said with a large frown on her face. Just like they– Adam and Amaka had agreed, Adam came to pick Amaka up from her house. Now they were all seated in Fiona's hospital room.

"Ah ahn, what did Mrs Adah do now?" Fiona asked with a small smile playing on her lips. She had grown thinner to the extent that even a blind man would know.

"You know stinky Ezekiel?" Amaka asked as she shuddered as if remembering something repulsively disgusting.

Fiona nodded slowly and Amaka went on. "He's now my seatmate and to make matters worse, she asked me to tutor him!" She exclaimed loudly and dramatically.

Fiona laughed. Amaka shot her a glare that made her laughter halt. She tried putting a straight face but it ended badly as she burst into another fit of laughter. "You don't mean it?" She asked amidst her laughter. Amaka scoffed and folded her arms on her chest.

"It's not funny o" Amaka deadpanned.

Fiona shook her head sideways. "Nope, it's not funny. It's actually pretty hilarious. But come to think of it, you might actually change that guy." Fiona said and Amaka scoffed.

"Always trying to find the good in everything." Amaka said.

"I agree." Adam said. He had been silent, his thoughts far away.

"Okay" Fiona said as she turned her body sideways so that she could be facing him. "When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade out of them right?" Fiona asked.

Amaka laughed. "How does that relate now?"

"Just listen first. Now, it's always good to have a better perspective of everything and everyone. Okay, I know Ezekiel is very dirty and stinking and what not. But don't you think that there's actually a reason why Mrs Adah asked him to seat with you?" Fiona said

Amaka shook her head. "Fiona what you're saying doesn't make sense o. Am I lying Adam?" Amaka asked.

"Wellllllllll" Adam dragged with a shrug. "I'm pretty confused."

"Okay." Fiona nodded.

"Let me use myself as an example. I'm dying, everyday, but you don't see me frowning and complaining." She started. Adam and Amaka looked at her with shock evident on their faces. They weren't expecting her to say it, at least not like this. "That's because I'm seeing this in a better perspective. Maybe when I die, someone somewhere would be saved. Someone out there would get a chance to live." She finished.

Amaka swallowed and blinked her eyes quickly to avoid any strat tears from falling. If there was anything she didn't want right now, it was to break down in front of Fiona. "But it's not fair." Amaka managed to say. "You're such a good person, you care Alot to a fault. You're so nice, so selfless. Y...you didn't deserve to go, at least not now" Amaka said.

She tried, she really tried to control the tears but it fell. "Things happen for a reason Amaka." Fiona said calmly. She turned towards Adam whose face was contorted into a frown.

"Adam?" She called softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Please tell me I didn't destroy your friendship with Kelechi" Fiona said. She was extremely worried, she didn't want to be the reason two best friends separated.

Adam scoffed. "He should have known from the beginning that hurting you would destroy our friendship." Adam said, his jaw ticked as a wave of anger rushed through him. He clenched his fists tightly making the veins on his arm to pop out.

Teenage series: LeukemiaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt