23. Happy Birthday

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  Hey guys 🥺, I'm so sorry for the late update😣😣.  Don't forget to vote and comment and I appreciate all the love you guys have been showing on this book. I really appreciate it, it actually puts a huge smile on my face. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏.

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Happy reading.

It was Tuesday, Fiona's birthday had arrived. In school, Adam's concentration ran two ways, part of his attention was focused on Mrs Adah while the other part was focused on Fiona. He wondered how she'd react once she'd seen the surprise they had planned for her. The surprise he, had planned for her.

Farouk leaned closer to Adam as Mrs Adah turned towards the board as she wrote a few things related to Relative pronouns. "This one you're smiling, did you win a lottery?" Farouk whispered.

Adam scoffed. "What!, Who's smiling?" He asked

Farouk smiled. "Ah, it's her isn't it?" He asked, his wiggled his eyebrows.

"Who?" Adam once again feigned ignorance.

"Fiona." Farouk answered. Adam's heartbeat quickened as he heard Farouk say her name.

Farouk smiled at his best friend. "Tell me, what's making you smile so much?." Farouk urged his best friend.

Adam sighed. "Today's her birthday." He answered.

"Ahhhh, seriously!?. Oh God!" He exclaimed, earning the attention of Mrs Adah.

"May I help you Farouk?" Mrs Adah asked.

Farouk shook his head sideways. "No ma. I'm sorry." He said. Mrs Adah looked at him for a while before she turned back to the board.

"Guyyy, why didn't you tell me!. Now I have no gift to give her." Farouk said

Adam shrugged. "Just write a note saying happy birthday, Fiona appreciates little things." Adam said.

"Eh, is that why she's appreciating you now?" Farouk asked.

Adam didn't understand at first until it clicked. "You're crazy Farouk" Adam said with a smile, his hand itching to slap him at the back of his head.

"What?" Farouk shrugged. "You said she appreciates little things".

"And I'm that little thing abhi?" Adam asked with his left brow crooked upwards.

"Obviously" Farouk shrugged. "What gift did you get for her?" Farouk inquired, he placed the bottom of his pen into his mouth.

"Do you think I should get her a gift?" Adam asked.

Farouk's face contorted into a mask of confusion. "The question is, why shouldn't you get her a gift?"

It was then that Adam realized that he hadn't told Farouk about Fiona's predicament. He hadn't told him, his best friend that the girl he happened to like– more than he was supposed to was dying.

Adam gaze moved from Mrs Adah to his best friend. He heaved a sigh before whispering. "I'll tell you later."

Farouk nodded. For a fleeting moment, he couldn't help but wonder what it was that Adam wanted to tell him. And from the way Adam's face contorted into that of pain and regret, he couldn't help but wonder the more.

Amaka couldn't concentrate in class, no matter how hard she tried to. I hope Fiona likes the party, what if it's too much? What if she says she doesn't want it. What if? Amaka's thought was a mess. Everything the literature teacher was saying could be compared to pouring water on a stone. Nothing entered, nothing could enter. If it were left to her, she'd miss school but her parents would not allow her.

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