f o u r

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Yeah, the reader in this fic is prolly the most unenthusiastic of 'em all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You were on the passenger's seat of the overly luxurious vehicle your parents own. You sat there, back hunched as your palms encapsulated your whole faceㅡ your whole posture screaming how done you were with life.

"Lady Ross? Are you okay?" Your chauffeur asked as he peered over the rear view mirror, now feeling quite concerned with how sullen his mistress looked like. "Yeah, peachy," your voice was muffled due to your hands covering a portion of your mouth.

You couldn't just say to your parents that you want to leave that school, since it was obvious they'd say no in a heartbeat due to how much money they expended just to reserve you a place there. So that option was clearly crossed out.

And even though almost all of them had never killed anyone just yet, well, except for that bastard Yukio, you couldn't rely on that bit of information since it wouldn't exactly do anything to alleviate your current cause of distress.

Plus, you didn't want to be those female protagonists that gets close with the bad guys in hopes of changing them because no way, that'll just heighten the chance of them becoming lovesick for you if you were to follow their footsteps. You had no plans to add more things to your already huge stack of dilemmas.

Oh well, guess you'd just die.

It was too early for you to be losing your will to continue your existence, but who could blame you? Who'd exactly be eager to live in a place wherein their death was just inevitable?

Too heck with it. If you're going to be annihilated, might as well make the most out of things. Maybe you'd even establish a connection with those inhumane beings just for the hell of it. You know, just to see something once your life flashed right before your eyes.

So that, you did. It looks like the trouble you'd faced dodging them were all for naught.

"Enki, right?" He jolted from his seat as he nervously shied away from your gaze. Aw man, he'd be so cute if only his fate didn't lead him into becoming a manslayer.



Average in all aspects, except for cooking.

His upbringing wasn't the best, if you could call being in an abusive family one, then sure, be my guest. 

His father was a well-known man when it comes to businesses, so of course there would be nothing he want more than for his son to be as successful as him. But alas, Enki wasn't the most genius kid on the block, but that didn't mean that he was idiotic. He simply wasn't a prodigy like his old man expected him to be in spite of all those lecturers he hired causing him to grow up as a person who's weak-willed and timid, too afraid of letting those that were around him down.

Due to this fact, he was badly treated by the patriarch of his household. It was so unfortunate for him though that his mother couldn't care less regarding what happens to him as long as she could bask in the riches.

After the first case of fratricide denoted in the novel, which was Ross, he was inspired to do the same. After all, releasing the frustrations that had pent up during the course of his childhood just sounded so appealing to him.

While being a murderer was the worst thing a person could become, you understood his reasons.


"M... Me?" He questioningly said whilst pointing at himself, too unbelieving of the fact that someone wanted to speak to him aside from the teachers that wanted to suck up to him. "Who else could be my seatmate?" You chuckled. He was slightly adorable, you'd give him that.

"Oh... Yeah... I'm Enki." His tone was quiet, as if he feared speaking on a louder pitch for this might cause people to think too badly of him. "I'm Y/n. Looks like we're going to be next to each other for the whole term, huh?" You were bored and you've been fiddling with your phone for a few minutes now, waiting for the professor's arrival. To be fair, all of you in this section were just early risers.


Looks like that signified the end of the conversation. You see, if the other side clearly didn't want to talk to you, why even bother? 

You were about to fish your phone out seeing that your conversation partner wasn't the most efficient, but you stopped your ministrations the moment you hear him try to speak up. "I hope that you wouldn't find me annoying... I'll try to stay out of your way as much as I can," Enki looked so down while he said that that it had managed to pull at your heartstrings.

No, Y/nㅡ you scolded yourself.

"Nah, don't try to worry about things as trifling as that. Actually, I'm the one who's worried about being a nuisance to you," note that you actually didn't feel that way, but you got to say that because that was what a good conversationalist would do.

Uh, you think.

He shook his head frantically, denying your earlier statement with much vigor. "No... I'm always deemed as a failure so I should be the one to think that way.." But you already do, you bit your tongue to prevent yourself from actually saying that.

"Hey, too much self-deprecation is bad, you know?" Your words were a little bit rebuking but your intonation was just casual. "I just can't help it," a sullen visage was plastered on his features. Well, it looks like Mr. Enki here was actually loosening up to you quicker than you thought it would be.

"You come across as a cool kid to me though," once more, the mood of your voice remained calloused. That was just a sentence to keep the conversation going, but Enki appeared to be too giddy for his own good.

Scratch out the idea of changing them for the better. You weren't a god damn therapist to do that.

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