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Death is inevitable. It is a premise of something that one will soon face, whether they like it or not. It may hit you when you least expected it, and you won't be able to do anything to evade your ceasing from existence. You can only accept it, and ascend towards the heavens, or descend towards hell if you have committed one of the seven deadly sins.

You are just so unfortunate that you'll get to experience it twice.

Wednesday ㅡ 1:47 P.M



'Shit. I already knew that this was going to happen, but why the hell am I so jittery?' You thought as you nibbled the tips of your nails, your e/c orbs were on your History teacher but you couldn't exactly fixate on her since things were looking not so good for you.

'If only I made preparations... I wouldn't get this antsy!' But as much as you contemplated about it, regret could only do so much. 

"Nasty. Do you know how much bacteria can enter your mouth by just doing that?" Hideaki muttered. Would you look at that, an actual germaphobic and not just someone who faked it, a.k.a you. Now that you weighed up about it, it looked as though Yukio failed to bring to his mind about the rushed excuse you'd given him last time. Neat.

You could see from your peripheral view that he was fiddling with his fingers, with his hands adorning a white glove. He he had the air of being extremely petulant as he kept on deploring, "I already told this teacher to make me sit alone, but to make matters worse, she 'had' to place me next to someone who doesn't even have a good hygiene."

"Look, it's not like I've chosen to sit with you either so just suck it up you crabby man baby. I'm tense enough as it is." Biting your nails was your coping mechanism even back in the days, so of course, you wouldn't let this boy have the chance to take it away from you even if he talked your ears off. You'd let him have his fun.

He clicked his tongue before saying in a hushed tone, "I don't even get why my br- sister likes you." 

Even if you were someone who's afraid of their own shadow at the very moment, you still took a note of his little slip up. This was it. Just divert your attention to other things and you would be able to forget the edginess that turned you into a bundle of nerves.

Enki also implied this a week ago, how Ruri wasn't the person you thought she was. This happened too many times in all those movies you've watched in the cinema for you to not have a speculation as to what his cryptic lines meant. 

Ruri was a crossdresser. Better yet, she had a 'pp'.

The real question was why? Did he simply liked dressing up as a female or did he have any underlying reasons for doing so? Okay, okay, this was a great start. You were now starting to dismiss from your mind aboutㅡ Wait, why were you so restless again?

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you feel so on the edge of your seat?"

"Forgot about it." 

Was it plot convenience or was the instructor just too focused on her lesson to not notice you two talking to each other in a louder volume than before? 

"Hmp. That's what an idiot will say." Although an insult he intended it to be, him saying the truth didn't hurt you too much. "Figured as much," you heedlessly replied. There was no point in being too denial about it when what he was saying was the accurate reality.



Wednesday ㅡ 2:35 P.M


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