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Shut up.

"Shouldn't you be in a classroom far away from where we are?"

"What right do you have to enquire for an answer from yours truly?"

Just please, clamp your mouths.

"We were having a decent conversation until you arrived."

"She looked like she was escaping from you, did she not? What part of that can we deem as decent?"

You rolled your eyes as they bickered. They were like two children arguing for who's going to take what, or in this scenario, who.

For some reason, getting caught up in this mess had resulted in your migraine slowly, yet steadily, going away. It was weird, that much was certain. However, you didn't dwell on it that much. What mattered was that you were not suffering anymore and you were now able to think without your head pounding so much. Hopefully, you'd be able to think of something aside from defenestrating yourself- as much as it did indeed sound quite appealing.

You clicked your tongue, the sound unheard over their quarreling. "Hey," you commenced, jaw taut as you fought your hardest not to bellow at these two, not finding it ideal to have the people outside be intrigued by what was happening behind closed doors. The grave tone of your voice was enough to silence them both, with the purple-hued male masking his excitement at the sound of your domineering cadency.

If you knew that this would work in zipping their lips, you would've done so minutes ago. And like what had been stated prior, due to you not expecting that you would even be heard at all, you were at lost at what to say; your face slightly morphing into astonishment before hastily overlaying it all up with a visage that hollered indifference.

"Don't you lot have something better to do other than this? If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed that you both are nothing but an inerudite waste of oxygen." They were silent for a while, and you wondered if you came off as foolish in front of their optics for even embarking on pulling the plug on their nonsense.

It took some moments, but Yukio was the first one to break it. "I apologize for that, my dearest. I've shown you a side of me that I've not been the proudest of," his mouth was curled into a frown and even if he tried to appear as a kicked puppy, you would've desired nothing more than being the one who had inflicted the pain upon him- but of course, not if he was an actual whelp. You didn't condone animal violence.

"As if you have a side that one will be rhapsodical to be endowed with," you rolled your eyes, and comparable to what you'd anticipated, Yukio was not, even in the slightest bit, perturbed by your conspicuous jab at his character. In fact, he seemed to be in bliss due to it and in turn, you were the one who was unsettled in the stand of his place.

"Can you, perchance, bring an end to that merry look on your face? It's creeping me out," and for once in your life, you agreed with what Kozan had to say. Yet before another argument had broken through, he had said something that piqued your interest. Kozan had a smug veil on, essentially like he already was mindful as to what your attitude would be apropos of his next sentence.

"You felt it too, right, Y/n? The ghastly feel of time spooling back?"

"What are you on now, you fool?"

Speaking right after Yukio did was your plan, yet it was cut short when the nurse had suddenly appeared. Of all times you needed her, she just had to jump in when her presence wasn't at all required. Couldn't she've done so moments back when you were akin to a turtle, doubling over in pain because of the extremity brought by your migraine?

"Oh! I am admittedly sorry since my absence took so long. What can I help you trio with?" And Kozan righted himself first before heading towards the door, paying no heed to the presence of the nurse, which was something that you'd envisioned for him to do. Of course, he was now going to use your curiosity against you. And as much as it had ached you to say this, whatever his plan was, it was insidiously working. You just didn't predict him not to even give a passing glance at the attendant, like, didn't he have this 'princely' act going on?

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