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"So? Are you going to talk or are you going to keep on brooding?"

"I apologize for the holdup. It's just... It's the first time that someone has gandered at me with a repulsed look on their face."

Oh fuck. There we go again with the 'It's the first time that someone...' trope. The one wherein a character had been glorified in such a way that even one scornful gaze at them makes them interested in you. You'd already placed Yukio in that category, so for the longest while, you did your best to avoid the same thing happening again, if that wasn't apparent enough. But because you had never heard such bullshit, you had no control of your expression, so voila, that had led you to this kind of situation.

"Oh, sorry. I always look at attractive people like that so it's no surprise for you to feel so baffled," you played it off cooly, or so you thought. You let out an obviously fake laugh, and although you had hoped that he wouldn't notice how your giggle was so forced, only a fool wouldn't think otherwise.

"Ah yes. So I guess it's time for me to give you some sort of explanation," Takuma delayed for a bit before proceeding, "In my entire existence, I have never seen such an entrancing lass. The moment my eyes have landed on you, time has seemed to slow and I've come into terms at that time that I won't be able to just let you go-"

"Hold on a minute, pal. Before you continue uttering another word, let me just say this. I'm so cheesed off at your declaration- How can you say something so cringy without even batting an eye? It's so agonizing to even think that I'll be at the receiving end of such wince-worthy vociferation," you ranted, voice close to screaming. More often than not, you wore a level-headed persona. Come what may, whenever you were faced with embarrassing happenings, you lose a bit of your temper.

Silence, oh sweet silence.

The only thing you could hear as of the moment was your intake and exhalation of air because you said all of that without even taking a break. If you somehow lost your mind because of the people you'd acquainted with, you could consider being a rapper instead once you get out of this shack. How reassuring.

"O-oh... Even if you think of it like that, the feelings that I've held for you the moment I first saw you still remain." No matter how much you looked at it, you couldn't help but feel that he was trying to stifle his laughter. An hour hadn't even passed yet you could already tell that Takuma was a little cunthead.

"Is that all? If you won't tell me the real reason, then I guess I shall now take my leave."

'No! She's a vital part of the mission, and if I can't get close to her, the time it'll take for me to finish this mission will lengthen and more lives will be at stake!' Takuma internally screamed because of the little predicament he was in right now.

"Wait, don't go just yet!" Takuma hollered and you stopped walking, ready to hear what he had to say next.

"Please... Please let me court you!" He bowed. And though a small part of you was telling you to just say 'yes' because he would be a great help stop more acts of murder occuring, you wanted to at least try to enact the few things that you'd learned from your teacher who teaches Psychology. Because after all, the best way to make use of the things that you'd learned was to apply it in real-life instances, right?

"Eh? How about no. I hardly know you, and who knows, maybe you're an investigator sent out and you're just exploiting me and my feelings." Too much information, but you were too into it to try and even stop yourself.


"But of course, that is just a piece of example. It's not like you're an actual spy, aren't you?"

Look for signs, any kind of changes within that person who is lying. Whether it's how they act, how they look, and how they respond. - Miss Katarina from Psych 101.

"Yeah... But don't worry, I won't force you at all. Instead, I'll prove myself to be a man worthy of your answer! And for starters, do you mind going with me to the cafeteria tomorrow? My treat." It was apparent that he was a well-seasoned detective for he didn't even display his shock from you accurately 'guessing' the reason why he was sent to this school in the first place.

'A week should be enough for her to accept my move on her. That's better than taking a whole month of trying to get closer to all of her little friendship group.' Takuma thought.

"I've been bribed enough with food too many times that I'm kinda skeptical if I shall accept your offer or not," and you weren't lying with this one.

"Oh, that is unfortunate. I was planning to order for you the lunch special-"

"Well, why didn't you say so? Alright, my answer is a 'yes'"

Damn your love for free food. If it wasn't for that, you wouldn't even bother to do a second take.

Fucking glutton.

Fast forward to a week after, and now, you were met with the sight of Takuma holding a huge bouquet of flowers for you after you closed the locker you were assigned to have.

"Ridiculous. You do like putting up a show, huh?" Your eye was twitching in distaste because he, of all time and places, decided to do something like this wherein the entire student populace would be able to feast their eyes on.

You took the flowers from him, and much to your bewilderment, it was your favorite.


The only reason why you showed favor to this specific type of posy was really trivial if you could say so yourself. This was Ransae's favorite flower from your favorite dating simulator, Messterious. His route was your favorite, so of course, your favorite type of blossoms would be a tribute for him.

"I- ah- uh. Thank you, I guess." You were, yet you had a hard time expressing your gratitude to him for this kind of thoughtful gift. He had actually given you countless presents already, yet this one was the only thing that you liked out of the many.

Turning a bit red, your mind was filled with chains of curses. Why the hell were humans not born with a thermostat for times like this? You were beyond embarrassed for even flushing for a bit, but the color was mostly concentrated on the tips of your ears which you were thankful for.

Of course, to normal people, you blushing wouldn't even be seen by them. But with Takuma's trained eyes, even if he didn't squint, he still could see how you were flustered because of this. In all honesty, he was losing all hope in this because seven days had already passed, and not once had you shown even a bit of reaction showing him that you, even for the slightest bit, were pleased. He was contemplating whether he should just take a different route or not because after all, he still had time to do so. In fact, this flower was a sort of bye-bye gift indicating that he was about to give up. Yet seeing your state right now, he was filled with hope that somehow, you were slowly giving in.

"Hey, you asshole." You called out to him and his chain of thoughts was broken.

"Meet me after school."

He was happy, elated, ecstatic even, that maybe, his mission was now on the road of success that he didn't even pay mind to what you addressed him as.

And sure, he was merry. But as he stared at you for a little longer, he was confused whether the rapid beating of his heart was even caused by his operation taking a turn for the better or...


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