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The sky above you... It was so peaceful that you could only hope that your life would soon be in that kind of state. You stared longingly at it, as if reaching utter tranquility was only a far-away wish and it would take your entire lifetime for you to achieve it. Or perhaps that long of a time wouldn't be enough and you would just be stuck in this... devil's den.

You and Kane were sat on the back of the school, seated on one of the benches provided. Despite not being the official hang-out place for you two, you two loitered around here so much that it kind of was.

"You should be thankful that I skipped classes or else I wouldn't be able to drag you out of that mess," Kane's voice was slightly distorted since she spoke with the lollipop remaining idle inside her mouth. "Skipped classes? Why?" You removed your eyes from the idyllic scene beyond. After being friends with her for a while now, you knew that in spite of her not really liking school, she would never do something like that because it would evoke rage from her parents. She was a bit of a rascal, yes, but there was nothing she was more afraid of than her begetters. 

"Stress, I guess." Ah, a feeling you knew all too well better than anyone else. "My parents have subjected me to an arranged marriage and like always, I won't be able to do anything about it. You're the only person I've ever told this to, Y/n. Please keep this as a secret between us two." You looked at her the whole time and even someone who had problems with their visions would see the frustration in her green eyes.

Howbeit not salient, Kane was quite the romanticist. And because of that, she couldn't stand the thought of getting wedded and tied to someone whom she didn't love for the entirety of her existence. Divorcing someone in this age wasn't easy, especially for women. While men were only required to prove adultery for the divorce to be enacted, their counterparts had to prove adultery and other horrible things for them to have the same leverage as what men had. 

You would advise Kane to try and negotiate with her parents, but she was terrified of them. She didn't want to disappoint and madden them by going against what they were forcing her to do... She wanted to make them proud as well, like her older and more accomplished sister whom they always compared her to. But now that she was being given the chance to do just that, she was second-guessing if it would be worth it if her life after the wedding would be like passing through the limbo every single day. 

You also couldn't tell her that she should just try loving him because you couldn't just force yourself to love someone. It didn't work that way.

"...I will," was what you could only say. You wanted to help her, but you were powerless in this matter. The situation could end up a lot worse for her if you tried to butt in. 

"Nice. My wish for you, my friend, is that you will be with someone who you truly hold deep affections for," she sighed, just accepting of what was to come for her. 

"But... I do have someone. Takuma, right?" You awkwardly laughed. Lying to other people was easy, but when it came down to you doing this to the people that you had deep connections with, it was certainly hard.

"Girl, I love you, but I can smell bullshit when it is right under my nose. I'm pretty sure that your relationship with that transfer is fake." You choked on your spit after that. As you hacked, Kane rubbed circles on your back. 

Okay, okay. Calm down, Y/n. Let's break things down one by one.

So for Takuma, he wasn't aware that you already knew that his feelings for you weren't genuine and that you only became his girlfriend to help him in his mission which renders the relationship of you two faux at best. Moving on to Enki, he was the only person who knows about the true nature of your involvement with a certain white-haired boy. And Enki wasn't the type to spread rumors around. So...

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