f o u r t e e n

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⚠️TW: Gore and Attempted Suicide. I've already placed the signs so you could just skip over them. 

You picked up snivelling from beside you as you ploddingly opened your eyes. You squinted for a few moments due to your room's bright lights, but after some blinking, you got used to it.

"You're okay... Thank God," told Enki. His eyes were bloodshot, signifying that he had been crying for quite awhile now. 

But why?

The last thing you remembered was being on the rooftop, dispirited since the killer was a loser, and then... Oh. He must've knocked you out by giving a blow to your nape because right now, the back of your neck was aching as hell. And Enki was here, which meant that he probably must've been the one who'd delivered you to your home after noticing you lying on the ground... Damn it, after you told him not to follow you.

"I didn't like the idea of you going alone... So I tagged along behind you after a few minutes since I wasn't able to stop myself... And when I saw you there, on the floor, I became frozen, I didn't know what to do. It was a good thing Sir Renzo was there or else I wouldn't be able to carry you myself because my arms are weak," he looked so rugged now that you had a clear view of his face.

"How long was I out?" You asked him. "For a few hours now." What a letdown, you expected days but you guessed that this worked as well.

You were quiet for a few seconds before a mischievous thought passed you... It wouldn't hurt to play a small prank on this boy, right?

"Thank you... But I've been wondering about this for awhile now... Who are you?" You mustered up a serious face so that your little joke wouldn't be blown, but it must've slipped your mind that this was Enki and he wouldn't take something like this so easily.

"You don't... Remember me? Y/n, I'm Enki. Your friend... Please tell me that that's not the case... Uwaaaaahㅡ" More waterworks overflowed within the corners of his eyes and now, you were panicking because it wasn't your intention for things to end up like this. You expected a few laughs after this, but you surmised that that would be too unreal.

"Hey Enki, I remember you. My head didn't hit the ground too hard for me not to have amnesia, okay?" You held entwined yourself around him as you smoothed your fingers through his hair yet his weeping did not lapse. In no circumstances. In fact, his whimpers grew louder as seconds passed. You really should abstain from committing such shenanigans

"You're so cruel..."

"Yeah, sorry 'bout thatㅡ" A shriek was let out by you when the door to your bedroom was suddenly slammed open.


"Father, you could've entered this room like any other person would." You made a straight face, but he ignored you and stomped towards you before fully embracing your whole form. Enki just watched the scene with joy, and he couldn't help but wonder if there'd be a time wherein his father would show concern for him like this.

"The doctor just left and thankfully, you had no major complications. What happened to you?" He asked you with dread and you just sniggered. "Well, I forgot my book on the school's rooftop, and the moment I got there, I fainted because of my lack of sleep," you reasoned as you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. Hopefully, this'd steer questions off of your way.

"Next time, make sure that you'll sleep as early as you can. I'll assign a maid to check if you are asleep starting today and force you to sleep if you aren't," he sounded so solemn, though what made you shudder was the word 'force'.

"Okay," you replied.

"And also, I forbid you to go to school tomorrow, you need to rest. They're the doctor's orders as well." 

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