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"Dear sir, I truly am left dumbfounded that you haven't brought a damsel here with you in the manoir. More often than not, I would see one sticking close to you, especially over the weekends," Yukio's personal butler vocalised as he set down the dishes on the dining table for his frowning master to consume.

"Hush up." Yukio's brows were knitted and regardless of the varieties of viands splayed out in front of him, his mind was elsewhere.

All his life, he had been doted on by his parents. Even those that he had not met yet, they would shower him with commendation even if all he did was just breathe. Everything he needed and wished for, it was spoonfed to him, and up 'til now, nothing notable had changed.

He enjoyed the attention. He liked the fact that everything revolved around him as if he was the Sun. He took pleasure in the gifts, the laudations, the appreciation people provided him for the little things that he achieved. It was so surrealㅡ the sensation was unimaginable and he loved every tid bits of it.

But that was when he was still a young child. As he slowly became an adolescent, it just became so infuriating that e'ry move of his was scrutinized... That he must act accordingly like a proper noble would, or else he'd risk the chance of being frowned upon. The gratification he had lived through steadily turned into resentment, and the chagrin of his eventually evolved into impassiveness.

He was so accustomed to it, that the looks of reverence and compliments he received from his peers meant absolutely nothing to him. He received them so often that it had lost its meaning, especially since it was all because of his appearance and status. But he needed to smile and thank them each time, or else he'd be labelled as an elitist.

And no matter what he longed for, it'll be provided to him in less than no time... All he needed to do was just request for it, and within an hour and even less, it'd be given to him. It was due to his outward aspects and reputation that they were so subservient. Because of that, never had he ever felt true success. 

Others would envy his state of life, but he was just so sick of it. Excitement was stripped away from him the moment he got used to all these things, and no matter how hard he'd tried to at least feel a little bit of it, his efforts were all in vain.

He felt so empty. Like all of his emotions were sucked out of him by a vacuum. But he had to hide that and still remain as the Yukio that would have anyone bowing at their knees.

His father taught him that. That he must do everything to maintain a good image. Groom himself to be the most stunning man in defiance of where he went, do applause-worthy acts so that other would think highly of him. 

That way of thinking ticked him off.

Appearance this, authority that. He was just so fed up with it. 

Those women that tried to seduce him and have him on top of them... They got what they deserved. They only wanted him because of his outer shell and because he was at the bottom of the tome. They were all so shallow, only caring about insignificant things like those and the very thought of it maddened him to no end.

Haha... They had it coming for them. Those with that kind of mindset qualify for being annihilated. They were polluting the Earth with their mentality, and of course, he was just doing his part as a human to cleanse this world and one way of doing that was wiping off their existence here in this planet. And of course, no one suspected him at all. Why?

It was because of his ravishing looks and social standing.

He'd thought that he'd live his whole life like this 'til the moment he breathes his last intake of air, until you came along.

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