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The Literature Club sounded promising, but there'd be a high chance that lunatic girls were there so that's ticked off. Hm, maybe the Interactive Club? Rumours did float around that the group of people there were the most idle ones so that'd be the safest choice for youㅡ

"Y...Y/n!" You recognized that voice. 

"Enki?" You rose your eyebrow at him inquisitively. You didn't peg him as the type that could scream that loud in a public place. Hm, the more you know.

"Why did you suddenly leave?" His voice was now more quieter, now realizing that he had attracted the attention of those that were in your area. Their stunned expressions emerged for they were dumbfounded that Enki, who was now popularly known as the mousiest kid in the block, could squawk that racuously.

Once you gave the peering students a scowl, they returned back to their own businesses whilst sweating nervously, causing the anxiety that spiked within Enki to dwindle. "Got the wrong room," you spoke placidly, yet the way that he was looking at you signified the fact that he saw right through your lie.

Anyone could, if you were to speak the truth.

"You're lying... Was it perhaps that I'm there that you no longer wanted to join our club? I could just leaveㅡ" He was stripped off the ability to bring an end to his sentence because you were already going ahead of him towards that damned room you just knocked at awhile ago. While you two somehow talked for a bit since you two were seatmates, you were frazzled as to why he was so willingly giving up his position just because of. Heck, you two weren't even that close yet and you planned for things to stay that way.

Moreover, it didn't hurt to lessen your recklessness and be a bit cautious despite you becoming impassive to this cataclysm caused by that useless deity.

"You didn't have to be so dramatic, 'I could just leave the circle for you'," you mimicked his earlier words in a mocking tone as the aforementioned male was now walking next to you, and was it just your imagination or was he really emanating all those flowers that were surrounding his petite stature?

It didn't look like he was offended at all with how you were acting, in fact, he was conspicuously entertained, "But it did manage to make you stay, no?" 

"That was a foul. I'm just checking out the club, okay. It's not like the moment we enter that room again, I'll automatically join you guys," you grumbled in distaste. If it weren't for him guilt tripping you, you would've already joined that Interactive Club by this point. Had you only walked faster, then he wouldn't have been able to catch up with you.

"Oh, Y/n. You're back," Yukio greeted you with a pleasant smile on his face, but because of a reason you couldn't understand, just the very sight of it made your mood darken even more. Looks like Yukio here has a talent to piss you off. Applause to him.

"Yeah, whatever. Hi, goodbye. Already checked this club out now. Congé," once rotated a full a hundred and eighty degrees to, once and for all, completely make your departure, the ajar door was abruptly  closed by the person whose existence you wholly forgot.


Jiryu, a second year.

The Wild type.

During the first week of Brix's opening, he had already caused a bunch of ruckus in that short amount of time including the previous school year, hats off to him. He was reprimanded for punching a kid who sneered at his way, for roughhousing a girl who intentionally poured a drink on him because duh, gender equality, for uppercutting another student who stupidly picked a fight with him, and many, many more.

As much as the principal wanted to kick him out, his exceptionally good grades prevented him from doing so. Plus, his parents were considered as one of the most distinguished people in the bustling city of Vedale so he couldn't do anything aside from reproaching the kid.

Like his brash personality, his slaughtering style was greatly inspired by his conduct. Messy, yet able to clear up all of the traces he might've left during his little escapade.

Taking everything into account, he's someone who you'd want to keep yourself away from at all cost.


"Where do you think you're going? Are you belittling our club so much that you wouldn't even spare us a single glance?" His hoarse voice gritted out. "Na. I just think you guys are too cool for me to be a part of your little social group," your eyes evaded his own ones as you placed your hands inside the pocket of your skirt to hide the proof that you were actually feeling quite nervous.


"Huh? So you aren't going to pull me by the collar and spit harsh profanities at my face?" You observed him probingly, just in case that he was preparing to beat the shit out of you, you'd be able to leave before he'd get the chance to attack you like a predator would to its prey.

Jiryu scoffed, "What do you think I am, a low grade delinquent?" It was a rhetorical question, yet you had to bite the insides of your cheeks to prohibit yourself from answering a 'yes'. Even though you weren't a goddess or anything when it came to your outward appearance, you still valued your face that you wouldn't want anything to happen to it, surprisingly enough.

"Now now, let's not make our new member feel uncomfortable," Yukio, who was just watching the scene as if it was a reality show with interest, finally decided to stand up and make his appearance be known. 

"Whoa there, buddy. Aren't you being a little bit too presumptuous for you to assume that I'd just join right off the bat?" Your shaking fist from before that exhibited such behaviour due to slight fear was now acting like that because of the annoyance coursing through your veins.

"Oh, you wouldn't? I thought you were looking for a club that doesn't do that much? If so, then you came to the right place," he grinned at you yet you just returned his look with an askance one instead.

Above all, he had went through such lengths just to make sure that no other clubs shall accept you aside from hisㅡ

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