[20; tightly wound]

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"Are you done with those damn donuts yet? You've been stuffing your face for the last ten minutes."

"Well excuse me but I'm not the one who left our pizza behind."

Katsuki scoffed, forcing his hands down his pockets as he rolled his crimson irises. The whole scuffle from earlier had been messy, to say the least—the blonde had been fuming as he dragged you along, and didn't even bother to pick up the food you'd left behind. Then again, it had pretty much become trashed from when he'd slammed the tray down onto the table, so maybe it was better off being discarded. He'd opted to buy you donuts to snack on; this was a much sweeter option anyways.

"Don't worry," you smiled, licking off the bits of frosted sugar on your fingertips. "I'm all done now. Are you sure you're okay? You haven't really eaten anything since we came here..."

"It's fine," he shrugged. "Don't worry about me. I don't like sugary crap like that anyways. If you're done then toss the bag out so we can head inside already."

You nodded slowly, shuffling off towards the nearest garbage can to dispose of your remains. When you were done, you looked back at Katsuki with a frown.

"I know you said you were gonna buy me a new dress and all...but is that really necessary? What happened earlier wasn't exactly fun, but I'm over it now. Besides, I wouldn't want you to waste your money for no reason. I have more than enough dresses."

"I'm getting you a new dress," Katsuki glowered. "Those shitheads got their germs all over this one, which means that it needs to be tossed away as soon as possible."

"I feel like you may be overreacting just a little bit."

"Shut up." He noticed your expression sink, and let out a hurried sigh before retracting his words. "I'm just—it's not a big deal, alright? Just let me do something nice for you."

You didn't exactly know what to say, but it was clear that he wasn't coming from a bad place, and you knew you hadn't imagined the worry and frustration plastered across his brow when those assholes had been harassing you.

He actually cared, and that was saying something.

"Okay then," you smiled. "I'll let you treat me this time around. But the next time we go out, I'll be getting you something, alright?"

Katsuki snorted. "As if. Stop saying dumb shit."

"But you're getting me something nice, so shouldn't I return the favor?"

"I don't need you to spend money on me, goddammit." He cast his gaze to the side, cheeks flushing red. "You're...here with me right, aren't you? That's good enough, so just relax."

You couldn't help the blush that formed on your own temples. As far as you could tell, Katsuki was by no means a flirty guy—or rather, he didn't even seem like he would know how to be. But even with his abrasive personality and harsh tongue, he could be somewhat smooth at times. Just a few words from him were enough to get you flustered. Seriously, what was happening to you?

"Here," Katsuki gestured, not taking note of how you'd pressed your palms up against your burning cheeks. "Let's try this store. Look—seems like they'd have a bunch of girly shit, right?"

You hurriedly pried your hands away, and had to blink twice when you saw what store you were looking at.

"T-this one? We're going in this store?"

"That's what I just said," Katsuki snapped. "What's with that dumb look on your face? C'mon, stop standing around and let's just go in and take a look around."

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