[26; permanence is but a dream]

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"We're here, huh? Guess I'll finally get to see where Bakugou gets his attitude from."

"Can it, shitty-hair. You trying to get kicked out before you even step foot inside?"

"Sorry, sorry. I'll be cool."

Kirishima flashed his friend a lopsided grin, to which Katsuki merely snorted in response. You'd finished your little trip and were currently trotting your way up the front steps. In spite of Katsuki's efforts to reassure you that you had nothing to worry about, you still couldn't help but nibble nervously on your bottom lip. Given your soulmate's, for lack of a better word...interesting mannerisms, you couldn't really imagine how his parents might be. He'd told you that they were excited to meet you and all, but what if they were let down once they actually met you? Or decided that you weren't good enough for Katsuki?

I honestly don't know what to expect, and this whole situation that's going on isn't going to make it any easier.

You let out a lofty sigh, watching as Katsuki pulled out his key and jammed it forcefully into the hole, cursing under his breath a few times when it didn't click immediately. He propped the door open not long after, and you once again found yourself stepping into the Bakugou abode.

Kirishima grinned and playfully slapped Katsuki on the back, praising him for how "manly" his home looked—not that you were really paying attention. From the back of the house, you could hear movement, and then a feminine voice with a tenacious undertone.

"Katsuki?" she called out, "You home?"

The blonde rolled his eyes, barely even missing a beat before lifting his head to yell back in the voice's direction. "'Course I'm home, you shitty old hag! Who the hell else would it be?!"

Kirishima mumbled something about how it wasn't good to speak to your parents that way, but a storm was already brewing in your chest. No matter how many times you'd played out the scenario in your head, you just weren't ready to meet Katsuki's family.

But you didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"Oh! What's this?"

Mind still reeling, a lady emerged from around the corner. She had the same ash-blonde hair as Katsuki, same spiky arrangement, same crimson eyes—she pretty much looked like a female version of him. Except that instead of a permanent frown plastered across her brow, she held a smile on her lips.

"Katsuki brought friends home??" She blinked twice, as if the mere thought was so preposterous she could hardly believe it was happening. You heard Katsuki let out a scoff of annoyance from beside you.

"Piss off," he snapped. "What's it to you, old lady?"

His mother's brow twitched, and she didn't waste a second before swatting her son across the back of the head. Katsuki hissed in pain, gripping down on his hair with narrowed eyes.

"The fuck are you—?!"

"Shut it, you little shit! I won't have you acting so rude in front of our guests!"

Yeah...this is pretty much what I expected.

Kirishima had begun to chuckle good-naturedly, and was already in the process of shaking the mother's hand—you overheard that her name was Mitsuki—but you had yet to swallow the pit that had formed in your throat. Katsuki had said that he'd already told his parents about you, which meant that the second you mentioned your name, they would probably know exactly who you were. Yes, you'd expected to be nervous, but only now, facing his mother for the first time, did you truly feel the extent of your restlessness.

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