[48; puppy love]

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"Movie night?" you blinked, watching as Uraraka boisterously bobbed her brown head of hair.

"Yep! It'll be fun, right? Lately, so many serious things have been happening, and with you being captured and all... we figured it would be nice to do something fun and lighthearted for a change."

"Well, I don't mind, but..." You frowned, thinking of your temperamental boyfriend, "I doubt Katsuki-kun would want to join."

Uraraka puffed out her cheeks. "Oh, c'mon! I'm sure you can convince him to come! It's supposed to be something we do with the whole class. Everyone else is already on board!"

It surely wasn't as though you didn't want for Katsuki to join in on the festivities, but persuading him would surely prove a herculean feat. You could already imagine his response, word for word:

"Hell no."

As expected.

You sighed, plopping down on the edge of his bed. "Please, Katsuki-kun? I really want for you to be there with everyone else. You don't even have to really talk to anyone, just sit down and enjoy the movies."

"Movies, as in plural?" Katsuki gaped, his crimson orbs nearly bulging out of his head. "I hope you're fucking kidding."

"Uh, well, it was supposed to be a movie marathon, so..."

"Yuck," he spat. "Disgusting. Gross." He swiveled in place and resumed angrily scribbling at his notebook. "Why would I waste my entire fucking night with all those losers, watching some shitty-ass movies I probably won't even like?"

"You can pick one!" you chimed in, a bright, hopeful smile lifting the corners of your lips. "We all get to choose our own movie, and then we put it in a ballot and draw. The first few pulled are the ones we'll be watching tonight."

Truthfully, you still didn't even have a clue as to what sort of movies someone like Katsuki genuinely enjoyed. A standard action-type came to mind; one with lots of violence and plenty of angry, screaming men. But that was just a guess. God forbid he choose some gruesome horror flick...

Well. It was too late to back down now, in any case—it seemed as though your hasty suggestion had convinced him somewhat. You could almost picture the gears in his head churning. Katsuki stood up from his desk, an all-too-familiar smirk gracing his lips.

"Fine, [Name], I'll humor you. But only if you guarantee that my movie will be picked."

That's not really how this works...

—Is what you wanted to say, but you were far too close to convincing him to risk jeopardizing your chances. Wearily, you nodded your head, praying that you weren't in for an evening of chainsaw massacres.

As it turned out, that was very much not the case.

"Disney movies?!" Katsuki roared, practically exploding his fist into the wall. "Are you fucking shitting me right now?!"

"Calm down, man." Kirishima, always the voice of reason, was attempting to placate the angry blonde. "We thought having a theme for the marathon would be fun. We can do other themes, on other days. Something fun like this was just missing, that's all."

He gritted his teeth. "If you think I'm gonna sit here and watch some baby-ass movies—"

"Disney isn't for babies! Everybody loves Disney!"

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