[57; those who love me]

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"I feel like this goes without saying, but... play nice, okay?"

Your father held back a smile. "Of course. We're always on our best behavior, sweetheart."

"I recall you being rather rude to Katsuki-kun the first time you met."

"What's this now? I don't think so. Maybe I'm just remembering it differently."


You were standing on Katsuki's doorstep, joined by your mother and father, who'd in turn brought along flowers and wine as little gifts. It was the first time both of your families were actually meeting each other, and you were feeling pretty nervous, admittedly. Even though your father had accepted Katsuki as your boyfriend, it hadn't exactly been the smoothest of transitions. You just hoped tonight wouldn't run askew.

"Welcome, welcome!" The door opened to reveal Mitsuki, grinning ear-to-ear as she raked her eyes over your family. Your mother presented her with the flowers; your father with the wine. She grabbed both and smiled even wider. "It's so nice to finally meet you all! I'm Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother. Please, come in!"

Masaru was just beside her, smiling as gently as always. The three of you stepped inside, and both families immediately began shaking hands and diving into their introductions. You spotted Katsuki reclining against the wall with his hands buried in his pockets. You smiled and made your way over.

"Hi, Katsuki-kun. How are you—"

He caught you in a bear hug before you could say much else. You half-squealed, smothered by the muscles of his taut forearms. Katsuki chuckled and hurriedly pecked your forehead.

"Hey," he smirked. "You look cute today."

You flushed. "T-Thank you..."

Since you'd interpreted it to be a somewhat festive occasion, you'd thrown on a soft, cream-colored dress that hugged your curves but still flowed around you in breathable ribbons. You'd styled your hair a bit differently than usual, too, though you hadn't expected him to actually notice. He always seemed to take note of these things, no matter how small or insignificant.

"Yes, yes—the two of us were absolutely baffled at the start!" you could hear Mitsuki babbling. "Well, of course we already knew that Katsuki had a soulmate somewhere out there, but we certainly weren't expecting it to be with such a sweet young lady. Truth be told, when he brought her over the first time, I was convinced he'd paid her off to pretend to be his girlfriend..."

"The fuck did you just say?!"

"Quiet, you snot-nosed little shit!" Mitsuki sighed, ignoring the wary looks your parents were giving her. "See? He's so rough around the edges. Thank goodness for [Name], that angel. If only I'd been blessed with a daughter instead..."

Katsuki gritted his teeth, every fiber of his being likely on the verge of exploding. Your father half-smirked in the blonde's direction, as if he was challenging him to lose his nerve. You probably should've known better than to expect a quiet evening.

"N-Now, now," Masaru chimed in, always the voice of reason. "We can talk at the dinner table, Mitsuki. We wouldn't want the food to get cold. Is it alright if we open the bottle of wine you've brought us...?"

"Oh, of course," your mother smiled. "By all means."

"Thank you."

He waved for his wife to follow him into the dining room. Your parents trailed closely behind, with you and Katsuki lagging near the back. You brushed your hand by his and offered a consoling smile.

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