[43; all roads end here]

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Your fun training camp had come to an abrupt end.

Currently, you were stuck in the middle of a darkened forest, the path ahead of you being cut off by an ever-growing plume of smoke. The sensation of the girl's blade tearing through your skin had already confirmed your worst fears, but then came the message via Mandalay's telepathy.

"Attention all! We are currently under attack by several villains! As of now, the exact number of enemies is unconfirmed! All those who are able to should retreat back to camp immediately! If you encounter an enemy, do not engage!!"

You licked at your bottom lip, inhaling shakily. The back of your throat felt parched and dry.

"Villains," Uraraka quivered, her brown eyes laced with fear. "How did they—? I thought we took all the precautions to make sure they wouldn't find us...!"

You took a step backwards, smearing fresh blood along your arm. The blonde girl was looking over her stained knife with gleaming amber orbs.

"Too shallow!" she whined. "That's way too shallow! I can't suck any like this..."

"Jumping out on us, swinging a knife like that," you glowered. "That's real nasty of you, just hope you know."

"Awe, I'm sorry!" The girl giggled, still admiring the red flecks of blood dripping down her blade. "I'm Toga, and you two are just soo cute! Uraraka, and... [Name]!"

So they know our names. Probably from the Sports Festival, and whatever other recon they've been doing on us. If they know our Quirks, we're clearly at a disadvantage here...

You winced and positioned yourself in front of Uraraka. Amidst the bramble of trees and bushes, there wasn't much room for you to maneuver around the terrain. This Toga chick... she'd been able to conceal her presence up until the very last moment, and you'd barely been able to react in time. Something told you that she likely had the upper hand in close combat.

"I knew I smelled smoke earlier," you muttered, [e/c] orbs flickering to the side, "but I can see a ton of it now. These guys are probably scattered all throughout and were waiting until we ventured into the forest to pick us off..."

You'd been advised not to engage, and by all means, that was probably the wisest decision. Even so... you had to at least defend yourselves. If this girl had been able to use her stealth and creep up on you, there was no telling if you'd even be able to get away. There were more of them out there, too, and you had no idea where in the hell they all were, lying in wait for another victim.

Some of the students may have been fortunate enough to be near a pro hero during this attack, but you couldn't say the same for Uraraka and yourself. Getting to safety was all good and well, but there was no chance in hell you were abandoning your best friend, not when she was trembling so fiercely.

"It's two-on-one," you spoke, hoping your voice didn't betray your fear. "Whatever you may know about us, it's clear you're outmatched. Maybe you should play it safe and retreat, otherwise we'll be forced to go all-out."

Uraraka swallowed. "[Name]-chan—"

"But that's no fun at all!" Toga adjusted her mask, and it slipped down her face just far enough for you to see that her lips were pulled up into a crude smile. "You're so cute, [Name]! There aren't any other cute girls in my group like the two of you, so I thought it'd be nice if we could play together! But so little blood is no fun... usually with a big wound I can suck it all out like 'slurp, slurp', but with this machine all I need is a little cut to drain you dry. It makes my job so much easier! So that's why I'm gonna stab you now, okay?"

Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ