[8; warmth]

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Bakugou Katsuki was your soulmate—that much had been established long before you'd even spoken your first words to him. He was loud, arrogant, and quick to start a fight; you'd been able to tell right off the bat. Still, you'd gradually learned that there was more to him than that, and his loss against Izuku had proven that his "superiority" complex, was more so one of "inferiority"; the fear of being less than others. You'd also thought he was just brash and impulsive, but you'd come to discover that he was nothing short of a genius, and was easily smarter than you were. So, really, there were a lot of things that you'd gotten wrong about him. Except for one.

Bakugou Katsuki was strong.

Ever since you first saw him display his Quirk, that much had been obvious. But seeing him now, as he stared down the villains with absolutely no fear in his eyes, you only just realized exactly how strong he was. All Might had arrived a little while earlier, but even he was having difficulty against the villains' secret weapon: Noumu. You were just a little distance away from the cluster where Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Katsuki had all gathered to help. And the reason why you knew he was strong was because he'd gone in and done something, unlike yourself, who'd been too frozen in fear to move a muscle.

Your lips pressed together, hands balling into fists.

Just now, Katsuki-kun jumped in front of me to protect me from that warp-gate. And he even managed to pin him down and stop him in place. Meanwhile, I...

"Just as I thought!" Katsuki cried out. "I knew you had a physical component to your body, shitwipe! This whole time, you've just been using that mist of yours to cover it, haven'tcha?!"

The villain could only groan underneath him, his yellow slits flickering in dismay. Katsuki only grinned maliciously.

"Don't you dare move, fucker. The second you so much as twitch I'll load you up with a nice little explosion, right here, right now!!"

You had to admit, it wasn't exactly the most heroic line, but the way he was able to stare danger in the face so determinedly was amazing. He was pretty rude, and he did have a loud mouth, but he also possessed most of the qualities that you genuinely wished you had.




He was so different from you, in so many ways, and you got the sense it was like that for a reason. It wasn't just meant to be some silly, fickle relationship; the universe had tied the two of you together with a much larger scope in mind. Through the slits on the side of your costume, you paid your tattoo a quick glance.

"Get in my way, and I'll fucking kill you."

It was strange. Before, those words would make your heart ache. You felt none of that anymore.

Thanks to All Might, you'd all managed to make it out of USJ relatively unscathed. Izuku had broken his legs by using his Quirk, but other than that, the rest of your classmates were fine. Aizawa, on the other hand, had received some serious damage, and so had Thirteen. You were told that they would be okay, but it was hard to keep your heart from aching. Alongside the pros that had arrived, the police had also shown up to assist. It was a shame that the main two villains had managed to escape, but you couldn't exactly afford to be picky with everything that had just happened.

Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora