[11; look at me]

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"[Name]-chan, you feeling okay?" Uraraka frowned. "You've been looking a little out of it for the last while..."

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm...fine."

You forced your most convincing smile, but if the soft sigh the girl let out was anything to go off, it was clear that she wasn't buying it. You didn't like to worry her like this, but the truth was that you'd been finding it difficult to keep a clear head ever since Katsuki had said those words to you earlier. It was stupid, really. The Sports Festival was nearly about to begin, and your mind was plagued with thoughts of him. And the worst part was that you had only yourself to blame.

I shouldn't have gone up to him in the first place. I thought that we were getting closer; after that trip to the grocery store together, I was convinced we were, but clearly I was wrong. Even now, he stills wants nothing to do with me.

What had you been expecting, really? For things to just change overnight? For him to suddenly pleasant, amicable, and kind? It just wasn't realistic. Even if the two of you were soulmates, you got the sense that this was just how things would be for a very long time.

And that thought scared you.

"Ah, it's the pro heroine Midnight! She's known as the "18+ Hero", is it really okay for her to be working at a high school...?"

Up ahead, Midnight had taken to the podium to conduct the opening ceremony. You'd been lined up alongside the other classes, waiting impatiently for the formalities to be dealt with so that you could move on to the real Sports Festival.

"Now, then!" she called out. "Time for the Student Representative—Bakugou Katsuki of 1-A!!"

Your eyes widened through sheer instinct, and you couldn't keep your head from turning in the blonde's direction. He was striding passively through the crowd, both hands shoved into his pockets; it was as though he didn't have a care in the world. Katsuki's crimson orbs flickered towards your own as he passed by you, but you immediately averted your gaze and whipped your head down to the ground. You heard him click his tongue.

"Still angry about earlier, seems like."

You glanced back towards him, only to see that he'd stopped mid-stride and was staring back at you with his brows furrowed. You were searching for the words; any words, really, but they just couldn't seem to come out. Katsuki half-shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever," he muttered. "Just forget about that shit from before. I can see the way it's throwing off your game, moron. For now just...take a good look at me."

He left before you had time to ask him what he'd meant, and worked his way up the podium steps to hover in front of the microphone. Even though he was meant to be addressing the crowd, those dark, crimson eyes seemed to be staring at you, and you only.

Katsuki shifted in place and parted his lips to speak.

"I'm gonna place first."

It was scarcely a few words, yet those words were all it took to throw the entire stadium into disarray. Students began crying out at the top of their lungs; spewing insults in the blonde's direction and berating him for being so overconfident. You honestly wondered if that was the case.

Not having moved a single inch, all you could do was stare up at the boy in a sort of breathless wonder. Katsuki had already begun his descent, not bothering to acknowledge any of the torrid cries headed his way. He passed by you once more as he re-assumed his place in line—again, those bewitching, blood-red irises met with your own. He didn't say anything this time, but he didn't really need to.

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