Bonus Chapter #1

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You weren't feeling well.

To be more specific, you hadn't been feeling well for a good while now, but today, it was hitting you especially hard.

Not all pregnancies usually resulted in such severe morning sickness and nausea, but in your case, it seemed like you'd drawn the short end of the stick.

"Ugh," you groaned, leaning over the edge of the bed. "This is so fucking horrible. Do I need to...? No, I'm fine. You're fine, [Name]. Deep breaths. You can do it. You're okay."

It only took five seconds for you to jump out of bed and race towards the bathroom.

", I'm not! Holy shit!"

What followed was your usual purge, and you barely even had the strength to rinse out your mouth before plopping back into bed like a sack of potatoes.

Your eyes fluttered weakly to a close.

I'm excited to have a baby, but... this is hitting my body so much harder than I expected it to.

It went without saying that you were grateful for your life. You had an amazing fiancé, an amazing job (even though you were temporarily on hold from hero duties thanks to your pregnancy), amazing friends, you name it. But the baby wasn't even here yet, and it felt like you were already struggling big-time. It was starting to get a little hard not to feel discouraged.

"Babe?" you heard Katsuki call out. He must've just gotten home, and as always, the first thing he did was rush right to the bedroom to check in on you.

Needless to say, he found you sprawled out on your back, looking like death incarnate.

"Hey," he frowned, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He ran a hand through your hair, and you shuddered when his fingers brushed against your cold, clammy skin. "Have you been stuck in bed all day? Did you even eat anything?"

"Not all day," you mumbled weakly. "I went to the bathroom to puke a few times."

"Shit. That bad, huh?"

You opened your eyes to peer up at him, somewhat accusing. "I think there's a monster growing inside of me. They must take after their father, because it seems like they're a real piece of work."

"Is that so?" Katsuki chuckled. He leaned over to kiss the top of your head. "Well, the fact that you can keep making jokes even though you feel so shitty is reassuring, at least."

"Who said I was joking?"

"Haha." He kept stroking your hair, but light banter aside, you could tell that he looked concerned. "Is it really normal for you to be throwing up so much? Maybe we should go see a doctor again."

"We already tried that," you sighed. "I was worried about taking medication during the pregnancy in the first place, but nothing they gave me worked anyways. It looks like I'm just going to have to wait this out until it starts to get better."

It was obviously worth it. You could hardly even put into words just how excited you were to one day bring yours and Katsuki's child into the world.

Still. It didn't make the discomfort magically disappear.

Katsuki's brows pulled into yet another frown. "Man. I hate seeing you suffer like this. I wish there was a way I could help."

"Thanks," you replied, straining a smile. "It's the thought that counts. Neither of us can do anything about the way my body is reacting right now. This won't last forever, so I'll be fine. I just need to hold out for a little while longer."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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