[52; etched upon skin]

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Sunlight trickled in through the blinds, and you awoke with Katsuki cradling you flush up against his chest. You heard movement, then a soft sigh. His crimson eyes were open, affixed to your frame.

"Morning, babe." Katsuki's lips shifted into a small smile. "You feeling a bit better today?"

"Yeah... a lot better, actually."

Last night had been a hellish fever dream, one you'd been desperately trying to break free from. But it was over now. The mark was finally gone, and the two of you were just as you'd always been. This test, trial, or whatever it had been, it was over now. For good. And...

"I love you."

You'd been half-asleep, but you knew you hadn't imagined hearing those words, in that low, gravelly voice. You flushed without even realizing it, rolling over and clutching the blanket up to your nose.

Katsuki had said those words, to you. He wasn't the type to say things he didn't mean—you knew him far too well by now to think that. He'd actually said those words, the very same words that been bubbling, festering in your chest and begging for escape. You never thought he'd even say it, let alone say it first.

"[Name]?" Having taken note of your silence, Katsuki leaned over to get a better look at your face. You blushed deeper and held the blanket up so that most of your expression remained obscured. "The hell are you doin'? Hiding from me, aren'tcha?"

Without warning, he ripped the blankets away from you, earning a frantic squeak in response. Katsuki chuckled to himself, immediately pouncing onto you and pulling you into a bear hug. You felt his lips kiss the edge of your jawline, a moment before he began blowing raspberries straight into your neck.

"S-Stop!" you squealed, giggling and flailing your limbs out in protest. "Katsuki-kun, stop it! I-I'm ticklish! I'm super ticklish there...!"

He grinned. "You're cute, is what you are. I wish I could just eat you up on the spot."

Your temples flushed a blistering shade of scarlet, but Katsuki's grin merely widened. He pressed on with the onslaught of sloppy kisses and nips he was attacking your neck with. Your stomach heaved along with each burst of laughter, the likes of which were making your sides ache. You were out of breath by now, but your heart felt pleasantly full. The boy pinning you down was chuckling at his victory, cheeks red and eyes alight. You thought back to the marking, the writing of yours that had disappeared, and your first words to him.

It really is amazing when he smiles. Even after all that, I don't think I'd go back and change what I said to him that first time.

"Katsuki-kun," you started, "I—"

"I love you," he blurted, making your breath all but hitch in your throat. Katsuki swallowed hard. You could feel his fingers trembling against your wrists. "I thought, maybe, you didn't hear me when I said it last night , so... uh..."

You nodded hurriedly, unable to utter a response.

"Oh, well, great," he coughed. "That's g-great. I just... I know it's a lot, and I obviously don't expect for you to say it back or anything, I just wanted to... make sure you knew. Yeah. I just want you to know, that's all."

He smiled, and you could tell it was genuine. You wanted to tell him, more than anything, but you'd promised yourself you'd wait until it felt right. Until you were ready—not because you were worried that he needed to hear it back, or that it was the last time you'd ever see him. You didn't want those fears to act as your motivation anymore. You didn't want to live so afraid of making others unhappy, or not being who they wanted you to be.

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