67 | He Said

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Everyone who follows me on Instagram has a head start on this chapter. So NO SPOILERS pls xx

Thank you @mxchael_06  for the poster!  See above ^^

Chapter 67: He Said

The minutes crawled by with the monotonous hum of the plane's engine. We were flying above the clouds on a red eye home. The cabin lights were dimmed, and I was watching a movie with the plane's headphones on. I was getting drowsy and my mind started to wander.

I thought of Lara on her yacht and then of Chad's villa now empty.

I thought of Cearra and Austin and how this trip hadn't materialized in the way she had hoped it would. She hadn't given up though #Austerra

I thought of life back home and my dreams for this year. For the first time ever, my new year's wishes were not just for me – they were also for Luke. I hoped that he would step closer to achieving his dreams. I hoped that he would stay safe and not get injured again.

I hoped that he would be happy.

Isn't that all we could hope for?

"Minnie," Luke whispered, sleeping next to me. His voice was faint as he slowly stirred, "Why are you awake?"

I rested my head on his as he leaned against the seat. His hand reached out for mine while he slept and we held each other. The hum of the engine faded in the background and I took my headphones off. I slowly closed my eyes.

My memory cast back to last night, when we arrived back to Chad's villa on New Year's day. We had been so far away from home and yet I never felt home sick. With Luke, I felt like I was right where I needed to be.

I think I grew on this trip. It made me come to terms with my insecurities and social fears. Luke and I had a real argument, but I felt like the way we handled it made our relationship more real.

It wasn't the way I thought this trip would go, but when does life go the way we think it will?


~Several hours later, at baggage claim~

Chad was sitting on his baggage, with his hoodie hiding his face as he slept. Austin picked up Oma's heavy suitcase for her as it appeared on the conveyer belt.

"Before everyone goes home," Chad's father told us, "I've arranged for one more event."

He didn't tell us more. His passport was in a leather cover that he slipped into his jacket's breast pocket. We asked questions but he refused to answer them.

"I told you that your punishment for behaving like spoilt kids at dinner isn't over," he said cryptically, "I saved the best for last."


We were so tired. We had just flown halfway across the world on a red eye and we were jet lagged.

I wanted to shower.

But here we were, driving far out into the wilderness to... an obstacle course.

Chad's father had dipped into his own private car and was pleasantly driving in the opposite direction, home. He wasn't even going to observe our punishment, and he had left someone else in charge.

"Everyone, out!" a woman blared a whistle that practically popped an eardrum. "Phones off and attention on! You will be running through an obstacle course this afternoon and there won't be delays. Here are very fashionable clothes for you to change into."

She dumped green-brown shirts and pants on the grass for us to collect.

We were all slowly coming to our senses, confused as we got out of the cars. Bianca put on her oversized sunglasses, though the sky was cloudy. We stared at the green environment around us. After a week in Dubai, I was used to seeing more sand than grass.

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