29 | Play-doh

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Who wants to hold onto someone while standing on a basketball? @agni_infinity makes it look so fun in this poster!

OK this chapter begins with a short recap, and then dives into the story...

Chapter 29: Play-Doh

"Stop! Stop!" someone called out, waving at me to stop my car.

My old car jerked at the sudden movement and stopped. I looked like I had seen a ghost.

I had. The ghost of ex-boyfriends past.


What is that peanut doing behind my car?

You know, I never realized how toxic he was until I breathed clean air.

I used to be like play-doh in his hands. He could say anything to me, do anything and I would believe him. He made me feel like I messed up while he was cheating on me with Kelly and Julia. A broken heart's no joke.

What sh*t timing.

I leaned out of my window and said, "Move or I'll run you over. I have a history of running over objects and you are no more than an object to me."

It was the last thing he ever expected to come out of my mouth.

I may have been play-doh in his hands before, but - (and here's a warning to cringe) - now I'm play-doh no mo'.

Anyway, Kaden needed to go. In more ways than one. He has no idea what I've been through and with who. I've changed over the last six months and the guy who helped me, needed me.

Who did Kaden think he was, commanding my time as if we were still together? My boyfriend is in some kind of trouble and I have to get to him.

"Millie," Kaden said all-knowingly, "People are saying that you're on a wild ride since I broke up with you. Riding some kind of popularity wave caused by emotional instability from our breakup."

He really thinks he's a Greek hero reincarnate. In Luke's world, Kaden doesn't even exist.

"Did you hear what I said?" I repeated myself, "Get out of my way."

"No way," he stood firmly in my path, "I know you want to talk to me. We ended things so suddenly, we never had a chance to talk."

Kaden hasn't got the memo yet. I used to be a pushover. I'm ready to admit that. But Luke pushed all my buttons this summer, it actually made me push back.

"You've run out of chances," I said, taking my foot off the break, "I'll give you three seconds to move."

"Don't play coy with me. You're trying to make me jealous."


"You know Mathletes train at school every Sunday before a competition. You knew I would be here and you-"

Does he never stop talking?


I switched pedals from break to go. The car drove towards him and he started to wave his hands frantically. "You're driving!"

Oh really? Yes you motha-

"Stop! You're going to run me over!" he yelled out, as if I had no idea how to drive.

I saved a racoon, b*tch.


I was driving across town and I didn't need any playlist to hype myself up. That run-in with Kaden did the trick.

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