86 | Spirit

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Thank you @kani.hahaha for the cute poster - love it & your username too!

Chapter 86: Spirit

We all show up to school with such different problems. No one really knows what's going on with anyone else, because we don't even know what's going on with ourselves.

Lucky are those who have friends to lean on and family to support them.


And maybe a little spark of spirit to give me... well, spirit.

I sat in my car, parked under the tree where birds like to sit and sh*t on anything under it. I need to let out some steam. Things have been so intense lately and I don't know how to understand my own emotions. My mom didn't leave much behind, but she did leave alcohol.

I opened the glove compartment in my car and pulled out the little bottle I swiped from the kitchen counter this morning. I had tried this once before on my way to Dubai, but never followed through.

8AM might be too early to drink for some people, but isn't it 5 o'clock somewhere? I toast to that.

And to my mom for teaching me such healthy values.


I walked out of the bathroom and down the busy hallway, looking at the hyper active people around me. I kept moving, before spotting Luke.

He had his backpack slung over his right shoulder as he leaned against his locker. He was wearing black trousers and low top sneakers and I really enjoyed staring at him from behind.

When I see Luke at school, surrounded by his friends, it's easy to forget how close we were yesterday. Easy to forget that he's going through his own problems under the surface.

"Do you have a breath mint?" I asked Luke, tapping him on the shoulder from behind. My hand lingered on his shoulder.

"A what?" Luke turned around and his expression brightened as he leaned down to kiss me.

I kept my lips firmly stuck together, so he wouldn't get any whiff of the alcohol on my breath or taste in my mouth.

He pulled back, finding that kiss terrible. I don't blame him.

"A breathing mint for the mouth," I mumbled, adding another word to help my meaning, "cleaning."

Luke gave me a weird look. Chad though, pulled out some gum from his back pocket and handed it to me. Austin was smiling.

I thanked Chad and popped a piece into my mouth, chewing it. I chewed and chewed and looked back at Luke.

He was still looking at me.

"Are you drunk?" he asked.

I almost choked on the gum. Austin's smile grew wider.

"It was a little drop," I said, raising my thumb and index finger so they were only a teeny weenie bit apart.

After a second of thought, I reconsidered. I slowly widened the gap as I had to admit to myself that the little drop had been a little bit bigger.

"OK," Luke said, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the others.

"Where are we going? What are you doing? Heeeeerp," I complained, trying to scrape his fingers off me.

"Lighten up, Luke," Austin called out after us, "Millie, are you going to share your stash so we can all get in on the fun?"

"Austin," Luke replied in a warning tone.

"Oooooh," I mocked, looking over my shoulder at Austin, "You're in trouble."

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