08 | Who's Millie?

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This chapter begins with the story from Luke's side ;)

Helpful reminder – Millie and Jake are juniors. Luke, Austin, Bianca, Chad and Oma are all seniors.

Chapter 08: Who's Millie?

Burgers, crispy chicken wings... and a bucket of French fries for Austin.

Soda swirled inside large cups full of ice. Luke picked them up from the counter and carried three across the mall's seating area. He set the cups down on a plastic table.

Chad was already sitting down and glaring at the guy opposite him, "Anyone going to explain why he's here?"

"Art, introduce yourself," Luke said, unbothered by Chad's mood swings.

"Sure," a boy replied, sitting in an oversized hoodie, "My name's Arturo. I'm a junior, a center and I just got off the bench."

"Is that athlete speak?" Chad asked, "Was I meant to understand any of that?"

Chad was leaning back in his plastic chair, with one leg crossed over the other. He had his phone in hand and his Rolex blinded everyone every time he texted.

"He's the new starting center," Luke said, taking a drink, "Coach wanted me to be a team player. This is the team."

"So it's charity," Chad said.

"Teamwork," Art corrected, "The better we know each other, the better we play."

"Hey Art," Austin came over, holding a tray overflowing with food, "Is Luke adopting you now?"

He placed the tray on the table to let everyone help themselves to food. Chad unfolded a napkin and set it carefully on the table to avoid germs.

"His game's good. Been on fire recently," Luke said, ignoring Chad's careful placement of another napkin on the table.

"I can think of another junior you think is on fire," Austin smirked, sitting next to Art and offering him a fry.

"O'Conner?" Art asked, thinking they were still talking basketball, "Yeah, he's killing it."

"No," Chad shut him down. "Millie."

"Who's Millie?"

"I ask myself the same question all the time," Chad was reminiscing, "Millie. You won't know her until you know her but when you know her... you can't forget."

Luke looked at Chad weirdly, surprised to hear such nice things coming out of his mouth.

Austin broke the silence. "And she's Luke's girlfriend."

"Sh*t no way!" Art got animated in his seat, "There's a rumor you slept with a girl in my year last weekend. It's true?"


"The name sounds familiar though," Art insisted, whipping out his phone and scrolling through texts, "She's in my year? How awkward if she and I hooked up..."

"No chance," Luke said.

"Oh!" Art stared at his screen, "I knew I recognized her."

"What is it then?" Austin asked, dipping nine fries into ketchup before eating them whole.

"You sure she's dating Luke?"

"I'm sure," Luke interrupted, not sure why Art was asking Austin.

"Isn't she dating Jake?" Art asked again, raising his phone and showing them a video.

Luke took it from Art's hand and clicked play.

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