09 | Crush Not Crushed

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I hate to say this but enjoy this chapter because a LOT is about to change...

Chapter 09: Crush Not Crushed

Does every girl have that one guy they will crush on forever?

Because forever is a long time and time is something I never cared much about. But while I sat in Luke's car, listening to his music and laughing at what he said, I wanted time to freeze.

Or at least slow down.

Just a little bit.

We drove into our neighborhood, and Luke slowed the car down as we passed by a playground. It was deserted. Orange swings moved in the breeze and a seesaw creaked.

"I met Austin in that playground over twelve years ago," he reminisced, pointing outside, "He used to live near us, before his family moved to the other side of town."

I was imagining a baby Luke and Austin meeting.

"You met Austin here?" I asked, surprised that a playground was their beginning.

I guess a summer camp was ours.

"Gloria was chaperoning," he smiled, "She was still looking after him back then."

Gloria's a real OG. She's taken care of the boys growing up - been there since the beginning.

"My dad used to take me and my sister here on Saturdays," I said, "He always made me do the monkey bars."

"That's why you have that upper body strength," Luke joked and added, "You never talk about your dad. Where is he now?"

That changed the mood real quick.  I'll admit I was a bit surprised that Luke noticed that about me.


"Your dad."

Yeah. Who?

"He lost our address," I said. "He has insomnia, he's still at the store buying milk and he's stranded on a desert island."

All of the above.

Option A, B or C.

Truthfully, I wanted to lie. I wanted to say that my parents were divorced, and my father was living on the east coast with a new wife and a stepchild named Olaf that we visit once a year.

But the truth is embarrassing. He abandoned all responsibility. He just left and never left us with any closure.

How do I explain this to someone who has a protective (maybe even overprotective) father? I've only met Mr Dawson a couple times – in some pretty awkward scenarios – and I saw how devoted he was to his son and his son's career.

So I didn't lie.

And, unfortunately, the truth isn't satisfying. It's a big fat question mark.


"He's where?" Luke asked, "Minnie? Minnie, are you ok?"

Luke had pulled over and gotten out of the car. He'd come over to my side and opened the door, taking my hands in his as he stared closely at me. I hadn't noticed any of this. I'd been lost in my thoughts.

"Olaf," I sighed.

"I know this is a very serious moment," Luke said quietly, trying not to smile, "but you say the most random things sometimes."

"What?" I asked, snapping out of it.

"Who's Olaf?"

"If only there was an Olaf."

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