05 | Bad boy gone

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That's a real selfie of my morning face.  You can check it out on Instagram (@NatalieInACorner) haha

Chapter 05: Bad boy gone

Due to low ratings, Monday was cancelled. Said no one ever.

They cancel my favorite TV show, but they don't cancel Mondays. Tell me how that's fair.

I opened my bedroom window to breathe in the fresh air... and immediately slammed it shut.

It was flipping cold outside.

I took a hot shower and got dressed, checked my phone and saw no text from Luke. Did he forget that we went on a date this weekend, which makes Monday our first day? Our first day as an us.

And I know my phone isn't broken this time.

I went back to my bedroom window and looked out for the hot boy who lives next door. 

"That jackass..." I cursed, as I saw the empty space where his car was meant to be.

He'd already left. And I still didn't have a car. My car was still outside Austin's house, collecting dust and cobwebs.

"Millie!" my door burst open and Flora came in, wearing a fluffy pink jacket and tight jeans, "If you want a ride, you better hurry. I'm about to leave."

"You're taking me to school?"  Maybe this is a prank.

"You don't have your car. Unless you're planning on taking your tricycle again-"

"No, no, no!" I waved my hands fanatically and grabbed my backpack, "I'm just surprise you're offering!"

My sister isn't exactly famous for her kind gestures. 

Her car smelled like a perfume store and I found three pairs of high heels under my seat. I carefully put my bag somewhere that wouldn't squish any of her things. That's some little sister respect right there.  

"Can we pick up some coffee on the way?" I asked.

"Are you crazy?" she responded, "That's where Max works. AKA my ex-boyfriend who dumped me two weeks ago. I am not seeing that douchebag again."

But coffee.

My soul.


Flora drove to school and left my soul in a coffee filter.


School had the usual morning bustle. I was taking my biology textbook out of my locker when he texted me.

You left home already?

Well hello. I texted back: First period starts in 5

Luke: I've been waiting outside your house. Your mum said you were in the shower

LOL. My mum hasn't known my whereabouts since she lost track of my dad's.

I was about to close my locker, when I saw another text come in.  He sent me a picture:

A photo of coffee in the cup holder of his car.

He'd gone to the Coffee Bean before coming to pick me up. That's why his car was gone when I looked for it this morning. My irritation disappeared and was replaced by guilt at doubting him. 

In my defence, he's been a jackass so many times before, that I hadn't expected this from him. But I should. I should totally expect to be treated well.

I texted him: That's so nice! I didn't realize you were picking me up

Luke: It's ok. I'll trade you that coffee for a kiss 

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