33 | Dislocate

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@irisyuan_jello put together her favorite quotes from the first story and I'm such a fan! If anyone else has some, send them my way (@NatalieInACorner)!

Chapter 33: Dislocate

"I'd offer you more wine but..." Annika raised the empty bottles and shook it.

It was dark outside but warm candles lit up the living room. The rest of the house was silent, as his parents were fast asleep. 

Luke stood in front of us, his tired blue eyes fixing onto me. He made a subtle motion of his head and I understood. 

"I'm going up," he said, noticing that we were all drunk now.

"I'll come with you," I said, suddenly feeling a bit too tipsy for any sudden movements. So I suggested, "Maybe you can join us for a few minutes? It's not that late."

"It's 2AM."

"It's early," I agreed.

It's technically morning.

"Yeah, the evil stepmom's asleep and dad..." Jake said, resenting how much time Mr Dawson spent with his favorite son. "Well Luke, how about you tell us how dad's doing?"

"Sure," Luke said coldly, "Maybe then you'll put an arm around me too."


Jake had his arm around me, and Annika had her legs on Jake. 

We'd all gotten a bit relaxed with our seating arrangement, though I hadn't even realized. It was a loose arm to be fair – mostly resting on the couch behind my head.

Because of the conflict with Jake previously, I understood why Luke wasn't comfortable with this. 

And to make the situation even more awkward, I needed Jake's help getting out of this position. The couch was so soft, I had practically sunk into it over the last hour.

"We were waiting for you to come back," I told Luke, as I worked on getting up.

My boyfriend watched me and was not impressed by my struggle getting off the couch. 

"We're not all athletes," I mumbled at him.

After today's drama with Art, Kaden and his father... Luke was not patient. And dealing with the three of us tipsy, didn't help.

"Nah, we were having a good time!" Annika laughed, "A sad time at first, but then a good time."

"I won't ruin it," Luke answered bluntly, not tempted to change his mood or join us.

He was annoyed and tired. Today had been a crazy long day.

But I didn't understand why Luke had to be so cold to his brother. Why couldn't he see that Jake was hurting? His parents had failed him. Like it or not, Luke was all he had.

Talking with Jake tonight made me realize how lonely he was. And I get it. I've been lonely too.

Jake snorted, "Fine. You've made it clear you want to leave, but does your girlfriend have to do what you do? Can't she decide?"

Oh Jake. I was really trying to help you for a minute there.

"She can," Luke shrugged, not rising to the bait. 

I was relieved Luke took the mature route to diffuse the situation. But then, he added a sentence that lit a fuse on the whole conversation.

He added, "Wouldn't you like that."

Luke. Effing. Dawson. 

Kissed goodbye to a peaceful night.

Annika gasped, realizing what that meant, "Millie! Did Jake like you like you?"

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