46 | Too young, too fast

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Thank you @ghouli.i.i for the chilled out poster of the two of them <3 so cute!

Chapter 46: Too young, too fast

What did I think about before you?

I wondered how long Luke's been on my mind but then I realized that since we met, he hasn't left it. He's stubborn like that.

I watched his teeth brush against his bottom lip as he glanced in the side mirror and switched lanes. He is so hot, even on a cold day like this. I resisted the urge to pull him towards me and kiss him.

Cool down, Millie. I fanned myself and reached for the air conditioning.

"Let's hear what you got," Luke told me, as he picked up speed on the highway.

I connected my phone to his speakers and hit play on my latest favorites. Sound blared through the car since Luke listens to music at a ridiculously high volume.

I gave him a little intro as the first song came on, "I'm into UK grime now."

Stormzy was first on my playlist.


We drove past a sign I've seen once before, and I turned the music way down.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, bewildered and looking in all directions like a cuckoo.

I never expected for us to come here on our date. I've been here once before – with Luke.

The sign said: Professional Sports Physical Therapy and Rehab Center

"You wanted me to be more open," Luke told me, "That's what I'm going to show you Minnie; a part of me I keep private."


What have I missed?

I remembered when he made me come here to sign something. It was back when I was paying down my debt on his broken laptop. 

I'd refused to sign it – but he never explained what that was about. Or why we were there.

And I didn't ask. I let it go without questioning. I didn't really think much about it, but I should have. 

Hindsight's 20/20, isn't it?

"Is everything OK?" I asked him, trying to read his expression, "Are you OK?"

How injured was he?

My mind went to the more extreme options. I couldn't help but think about Fault In Our Stars, Titanic and Sponge Bob. They weren't the most logical go-to's, but my mind is an odd place.

"Today," he answered, "I'm way more than fine."


We were on a date in a physical therapy and rehab clinic. Luke was really re-inventing the wheel with this one. I know dinner and a movie is a cliché but this...

"I don't know what to say," I commented as we walked hand-in-hand through the carpeted hallway. "Are we having dinner here?"

Luke replied and kept it mysterious. "You'll see."

It was a very nice clinic. There was art on the wall and decorative living rooms. Coffee table books and matching bowls decorated the surfaces. The staff walked around in white clothing, but no lab coats.

"You come here often?" I asked him.

"Nice pick-up line," he said.

I could see the playful twinkle in his eyes. He was messing with me. Out of the two of us, he used pick-up lines way more than me. He was the player. 

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