38 | No Trophy

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A basketball themed poster by @maddslawton! Thank you! Nice teamwork on that

Chapter 38: No Trophy

The auditorium of Preston Oakes High was built to seat two hundred people. 22 were in the room right now, and it was 22 too many.

And 1 too few. 

Luke Dawson, where are you?

I nervously stepped onto the stage under a large banner saying "POHS Mathletics." I think I've spent my whole life establishing how un-athletic I was, so this was a good way to undermine my confidence.

I squinted under the bright lights and made my way to one of the chairs on stage. My footsteps echoed in the auditorium. 

The doors to the auditorium stayed firmly shut.  With every step I took, I kept hoping to see Luke enter.  Unfortunately, no one did.

My mom and sister weren't here either. I texted them that I was taking part in a math competition today, but no reply. 

It's probably for the best. I didn't want to cause more second-hand embarrassment than I already do. 

I took a seat on stage behind a small desk with a red buzzer on it. My competitors had the same setup and we were all side-by-side, facing the 'crowd'. The guy next to me was doing finger exercises. 

A shadow in the crowd waved at me and I knew it was Austin. I never expected Austin Taylor to end up being my guardian angel, but he always seemed to be there. Supporting. 

Think like a proton. Always positive.

"Everybody ready? I hope your minds are as sharp as your pencils!" the presenter announced, building up anticipation to the first quiz question.

The guy next to me finished his finger exercises and hovered his hand over the buzzer, wriggling his fingers like he was conducting a spell. 

I tried to concentrate, despite the voodoo going on next to me.

I ignored the fact that more people in this room wanted me to fail than to win. My competitors, my teammate and ex-boyfriend Kaden, even Julia who was randomly here...

Instead, I focused on who wanted me to do well. Austin was front row at a mathlete competition for the first time in his life. I don't think he even knew what I was competing for.

And Luke, even if he couldn't make it, wanted me to win.

The announcer called out the first question: "What is the greatest whole number that must be a factor of the sum of any four consecutive positive odd numbers?"

You know what's positively odd, why didn't I get a coffee this morning?  That is really unlike me.

So what was the question again? Something about a whole number?

"Eight!" the guy next to me yelled out, smacking his buzzer.

Is yelling really necessary? I thought that's why we have the buzzer – to not yell.

"Corrrect!" the announcer exclaimed and turned his flash card to the next question.

OK, that was the warm-up. Focus!

The announcer cleared his throat, "Now the next question is..."

Turns out, the next question's also a warm-up. Maybe my whole life is a warm-up.

Maybe I should've slept last night instead of going over to Luke's. They say nothing good happens after midnight... I bet Jake agrees with that.


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